July 6, 2010 at 6:08 am
Hi All,
I need a script which should provide the information about the jobs and which job is running, how much time it is running and its next run date etc....
Please help me in this
Thank You.
Raghavender Chavva
July 6, 2010 at 6:19 am
mask INT
, maskValue VARCHAR(32)
SELECT 1, 'Sunday' UNION All
SELECT 2, 'Monday' UNION All
SELECT 4, 'Tuesday' UNION All
SELECT 8, 'Wednesday' UNION All
SELECT 16, 'Thursday' UNION All
SELECT 32, 'Friday' UNION All
SELECT 64, 'Saturday';
SELECT sched.name AS 'scheduleName'
, sched.schedule_id
, jobsched.job_id
, CASE WHEN sched.freq_type = 1 THEN 'Once'
WHEN sched.freq_type = 4
And sched.freq_interval = 1
THEN 'Daily'
WHEN sched.freq_type = 4
THEN 'Every ' + CAST(sched.freq_interval AS VARCHAR(5)) + ' days'
WHEN sched.freq_type = 8 THEN
SELECT maskValue
FROM @weekDay AS x
WHERE sched.freq_interval & x.mask <> 0
, '"/><row maskValue="', ', '), '<row maskValue="', ''), '"/>', '')
+ CASE WHEN sched.freq_recurrence_factor <> 0
And sched.freq_recurrence_factor = 1
THEN '; weekly'
WHEN sched.freq_recurrence_factor <> 0 THEN '; every '
+ CAST(sched.freq_recurrence_factor AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' weeks' END
WHEN sched.freq_type = 16 THEN 'On day '
+ CAST(sched.freq_interval AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' of every '
+ CAST(sched.freq_recurrence_factor AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' months'
WHEN sched.freq_type = 32 THEN
CASE WHEN sched.freq_relative_interval = 1 THEN 'First'
WHEN sched.freq_relative_interval = 2 THEN 'Second'
WHEN sched.freq_relative_interval = 4 THEN 'Third'
WHEN sched.freq_relative_interval = 8 THEN 'Fourth'
WHEN sched.freq_relative_interval = 16 THEN 'Last'
CASE WHEN sched.freq_interval = 1 THEN ' Sunday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 2 THEN ' Monday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 3 THEN ' Tuesday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 4 THEN ' Wednesday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 5 THEN ' Thursday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 6 THEN ' Friday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 7 THEN ' Saturday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 8 THEN ' Day'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 9 THEN ' Weekday'
WHEN sched.freq_interval = 10 THEN ' Weekend'
+ CASE WHEN sched.freq_recurrence_factor <> 0
And sched.freq_recurrence_factor = 1 THEN '; monthly'
WHEN sched.freq_recurrence_factor <> 0 THEN '; every '
+ CAST(sched.freq_recurrence_factor AS VARCHAR(10)) + ' months' END
WHEN sched.freq_type = 64 THEN 'StartUp'
WHEN sched.freq_type = 128 THEN 'Idle'
END AS 'frequency'
, IsNull('Every ' + CAST(sched.freq_subday_interval AS VARCHAR(10)) +
CASE WHEN sched.freq_subday_type = 2 THEN ' seconds'
WHEN sched.freq_subday_type = 4 THEN ' minutes'
WHEN sched.freq_subday_type = 8 THEN ' hours'
END, 'Once') AS 'subFrequency'
, REPLICATE('0', 6 - LEN(sched.active_start_time))
+ CAST(sched.active_start_time AS VARCHAR(6)) AS 'startTime'
, REPLICATE('0', 6 - LEN(sched.active_end_time))
+ CAST(sched.active_end_time AS VARCHAR(6)) AS 'endTime'
, REPLICATE('0', 6 - LEN(jobsched.next_run_time))
+ CAST(jobsched.next_run_time AS VARCHAR(6)) AS 'nextRunTime'
, CAST(jobsched.next_run_date AS CHAR(8)) AS 'nextRunDate'
FROM msdb.dbo.sysschedules AS sched
Join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules AS jobsched
ON sched.schedule_id = jobsched.schedule_id
WHERE sched.enabled = 1
SELECT job.name AS 'jobName'
, sched.scheduleName
, sched.frequency
, sched.subFrequency
, SUBSTRING(sched.startTime, 1, 2) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(sched.startTime, 3, 2) + ' - '
+ SUBSTRING(sched.endTime, 1, 2) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(sched.endTime, 3, 2)
AS 'scheduleTime' -- HH:MM
, SUBSTRING(sched.nextRunDate, 1, 4) + '/'
+ SUBSTRING(sched.nextRunDate, 5, 2) + '/'
+ SUBSTRING(sched.nextRunDate, 7, 2) + ' '
+ SUBSTRING(sched.nextRunTime, 1, 2) + ':'
+ SUBSTRING(sched.nextRunTime, 3, 2) AS 'nextRunDate'
/* Note: the sysjobschedules table refreshes every 20 min,
so nextRunDate may be out of date */
, 'Execute msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_id = '''
+ CAST(job.job_id AS CHAR(36)) + ''', @enabled = 0;' AS 'disableScript'
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS job
Join myCTE AS sched
ON job.job_id = sched.job_id
WHERE job.enabled = 1 -- do not display disabled jobs
ORDER BY nextRunDate;
This should help.
July 6, 2010 at 6:23 am
i did an sp_helptext sp_MSget_jobstate, which targets a single job....
inside there seems to be this command, which reveals a bit about any jobs, i think:
EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1, 'dbo'
hope that helps.
July 6, 2010 at 6:24 am
Sorry...forgot to include that...we need this result in a mail.
Thank You.
Raghavender Chavva
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