Jobs do not change status to ''Succeded''

  • Hello!
        I have noticed several times that various jobs never change status to completed from running even though execution completed. I made sure no blockings exists. After restart of SQL Agents, I was able to reexecuted jobs in questions. I was wondering if anyone experience similar problems when SQL agent doesn't change status for completed jobs. I am running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise (SP3a) on Windows 2003.
        Could this be a SQL Server bug?
  • SQL Enterprise Manager does not refresh automatically.  Try refreshing the Job by right clicking on the "Jobs" on left side pane and selecting Refresh, or by right clicking on the Job itself in the right pane and selecting Refresh Job.  This will show the latest status of the Job.



  • I did refresh EM and also collected running jobs using exec msdb..sp_help_job @execution_status=1. The status remained the same - running.



  • Hi,

    have a look at msdb, perhaps it's full or the job-history contains too much entries.

    do you use sp_delete_backuphistory regularely?


    Best regards

  • It seems that there is some issue with your MSDB database, probably TLog / Data Files are either full or corrupt.  Please take a look at the Errorlog for any errors relating to the MSDB.


  • Is the job a tsql job or cmd shell job? For the latter one, if it runs too long time, the job may hang due to os problem.


  • Karl,

    Total number of entries in sysjobhistory is below Maximum job history log size but for some of the jobs maximum job history rows per job reached maximum limit. But still my understanding is that this should not be a problem since previous entries will get overwritten for jobs in question. I am not sure whether this could be a cause for an original problem though. Is this a good idea to sp_delete_backuphistory regularely?




  • Jobs in questions are not a cmd shell ones.




  • No indication in the error log.


  • Is there a notification sent at the end of job. we had several jobs in hang state as our SMTP service which sends the email notification hanged. So SQL jobs were just waiting for response and the job state was 'executing'



  • Yes, we are using SMPT mail as a last step in the job. But job never reaches this step it hangs before.

  • Hi,

    if you set a limit to the rowcount for the jobhistory you don't need to do sp_delete_jobhistory...

    Do these jobs execute anything on linked servers? If so, is the duration for any of these statements longer than 10 min?

    If so you might be running in a problem with the connection-timeout for the linked server, which is by default 10 min...


    Best regards

  • Karl,

    Jobs do not work with linke server. All manipulations are done against local server. Thanks for your thoughts.


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