Job that calls DTS package succeeds, but pkg didn''t run

  • I have a job that runs a DTS package that has been working fine for months.

    However, today the job shows it succeeded after 5 seconds (normally takes about 8 minutes), but according to the the package log, the package did not run.

    I manually ran the job and the same thing happened.  I manually ran the package and the package ran fine.  The package version is the same one that's been running daily for months.

    At the suggestion of a co-worker, I re-started SQLAgent, but I don't think that was the problem, since the scheduled job ran (sort of).  I also re-created the scheduled job.  Because this is a production job, I can't really test this other than to wait and see if the job/package will run successfully tomorrow. 

    Any ideas as to what may have caused this?



  • You can go to your local packages open the package. In the design windows right click on an empty place and select execute, then you see the steps and his status.

    You can find out what is the problem. When all works fine, you have a problem by job an not by DTS package.

    When you have your problems with the job, look at the account who runs this job, and take care thas this account has rights do to this.


    Kind Regards



  • Open the package in Designer.

    Right click and select Package Properties.

    In the Logging tab, enter an Error File to log your errors to a text file.

    click "ok"

    Save the package.

    Run your package from the Jobs section.

    after execution, open the error file to see the status of your steps.  This will point out any failures that have occured in your package uinder the permissions of you job scheduler account.


  • Thanks for your suggestions.  I think the problem was that it just wasn't able to run the packages using dtsrun.exe.

    I subsequently discovered that another SQL instance on that machine (that I don't manage) had its tempdb grow to the point that it completely filled up the c drive (yes, not the ideal installion setup, but it was done way before I got here).  After fixing that problem, the jobs have run fine.  So, I guess because the c drive was full DTSRun could not execute.


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