job step_id 0

  • Hi everybody!

    I was wondering what does the step_id 0 means in jobs and whether every job has that step or not. I think (as the job name says) is the job outcome and yes, every job has the step 0.

    What I'm trying to do is to find which jobs failed and when in order to get the percentage of failure they have. I'm querying the SysJobHistory table in the msdb database but it contains one row per step rather per job (as I want it)

    So I thought I could use a query like this one (not sure if it will always work the way I need it):

    SELECT job_id, run_date

    FROM msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory

    WHERE step_id = 0 AND run_status = 0

    BTW, I actualy use this one and I think it works but I'm trying to find an easier way to get the same results:

    SELECT DISTINCT JH.job_id, JH.run_date

    FROM msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory AS JH


    SELECT 1

    FROM msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory

    WHERE JH.job_id = job_id AND JH.Step_Id = Step_Id

    AND JH.run_date = run_date AND JH.run_time = run_time

    AND run_status = 0)

    Any help will be apreciated =D.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Every job does have Step 0. It is the job outcome. Open Enterprise Manager. Expand Management. Click on Jobs. Right click on any job that has run and select View Job History. Check the box for Show Step Details. You will see Step 0.


  • Thank you Bill. BTW: I'm trying to obtain this information via T-SQL. I think I got it now:

    SELECT AS JobName, COUNT(*) AS TotalExecutions

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL, ISNULL(JF.FailureQuantity, 0))*100.00/CONVERT(DECIMAL,COUNT(*)) AS FailureRate

    FROM msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory AS JH

    INNER JOIN dbo.SysJobs AS J ON JH.Job_Id = J.Job_Id


    --Quantity of failed executions per job

    SELECT A.Job_id, COUNT(*) AS FailureQuantity

    FROM (

    SELECT JH.Job_id, AS JobName, JH.run_date, JH.run_time, JH.run_duration

    FROM msdb.dbo.SysJobHistory AS JH

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.SysJobs AS J ON JH.Job_Id = J.Job_Id

    WHERE step_id = 0 AND run_status = 0 AND J.Enabled = 1

    ) AS A

    GROUP BY A.Job_id) AS JF ON JH.job_id = JF.Job_id

    WHERE JH.step_id = 0 AND J.Enabled = 1

    GROUP BY, JF.FailureQuantity


    ORDER BY FailureRate DESC

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