Job step edit error

  • Yeah, I had the same problem with SQL Server 2008 R2 as I wasn't able to add or edit an existing job. Well, I guess that's a bug:w00t:

    Here is the fix for it from Microsoft:


  • I ended up having to unregister and reregister all DLL files in that directory.


  • @jfogel

    can you explain in detail how you unregister and reregister the dll files.. and which dll files did u register?

  • See post 4 in this thread and change Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\binn 90 to 80 if this is SQL2K. I have a tool that lets me unregister and reregister one or more files at a time instead of using regsvr32 for each individual file. You could create a batch file using something like dir *.dll /b > c:\tmp\list.bat. That will create a file with a bare list of dll files so just place regsvr32 -u in front of each file name. Run that to unregister then use the replace function to get rid if the -u and rerun the file to register. My issue was not solved by reregistering a single dll. I did the whole directory.

  • I had the same issue and restarting MSSMS fixed it..

    John Esraelo

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