Job problem

  • I have a scheduled job set up to run daily which executes the following code on a SQL Server 2000 server:

    declare @msg varchar(400)

    declare @ServerName varchar(30)

    declare @db varchar(30)

    declare @mail varchar(600)

    declare @count int

    declare @rc int


    backupcheck_cursor CURSOR FOR

    select name

    from master..sysdatabases

    where name not in (select distinct database_name from msdb..backupset)

    and rtrim(name) not in ('model','tempdb')

    select @ServerName = @@servername

    select @msg = 'The following databases have no backup on server ' + @ServerName + ': '

    OPEN backupcheck_cursor

    set @count = 0

    -- Perform the first fetch.

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupcheck_cursor into @db

    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.



    select @msg = @msg + @db

    select @count = @count + 1

    -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.

    FETCH NEXT FROM backupcheck_cursor into @db

    If @@FETCH_Status = 0 select @msg = @msg + ', '


    select @msg = @msg + '.'

    if @count > 0

    exec @rc = xp_smtp_sendmail

    @FROM = N'',

    @FROM_NAME = N'Backup(s) Missing Notification',

    @TO = N';;;',

    @cc = N'',

    @Subject = N'Daily Backup Checker for Server: TRPR1SRV4',

    @Message = @Msg,

    @Type = N'text/plain',

    @server = N''


    CLOSE backupcheck_cursor

    DEALLOCATE backupcheck_cursor

    And it works fine. But if I try to execute this on a SQL Server 7.0 Server I get the following error:

    The data area passed to a system call is too


    Any ideas would be greatly welcomed.

    Arthur Lorenzini

  • I tried it on our test 7.0 server.  Since we don't have the xp_smtp_sendmail proc, I commented that part out, and replaced it with "select @Msg".  Worked fine.  I would suggest that you try the same.  Perhaps its a problem with the extended stored proc.


  • From the xp_smtp site (


    Note: SQL Server 7.0 and Windows NT 4.0 usage

    When using SQL Server 7.0 on Windows NT 4.0, you need to install Internet Explorer version 5.5 SP1 or higher, otherwise you might run into the following error message: "The data area passed to a system call is too small."



    - Mark

  • That is the problem. thanks for all the help

    Arthur Lorenzini

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