Job failure - detailed description in email notification

  • I have a user who needs to know the details if certain jobs fail; however we do not give him access to SQL Server Agent.

    My user receives a notice if the job fails, but has to wait for me to give him the details from the Job History. I’m wondering if there is a way to include those details of the failure in the email notification? Or is there a sys.sp_xxx that he could run that would include the Description line of the error? I have looked through the list in both MSDB and Master and don’t see anything that would help me out.

    Any help would be appreciated!!


  • I had the same problem, so I just added a step to be executed on after any step failure.

    This is a TSQL Job step that catches the last job history into a table which I query later and email the details.

    I have a modified script but I can't find it, but with this script you can have a better Idea on how to accomplish this...

    Since the msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobhistory returns multiple results for the specified job and date, you may want to loop through those results and append them to your email.

    Modify it to your needs:



    CREATE TABLE #JobHistory


    instance_id INT ,

    job_id VARCHAR(50) ,

    job_name VARCHAR(35) ,

    step_id SMALLINT ,

    step_name VARCHAR(50) ,

    sql_message_id INT ,

    sql_severity INT ,

    [message] VARCHAR(2000) ,

    run_status INT ,

    run_date CHAR(8) ,

    run_time CHAR(5) ,

    run_duration INT ,

    opeator_emailed VARCHAR(10) ,

    operator_netsent VARCHAR(10) ,

    operator_paged VARCHAR(10) ,

    retries_attemped INT ,

    serverName VARCHAR(50)

    ) ;

    INSERT INTO #JobHistory

    ( instance_id ,

    job_id ,

    job_name ,

    step_id ,

    step_name ,

    sql_message_id ,

    sql_severity ,

    [message] ,

    run_status ,

    run_date ,

    run_time ,

    run_duration ,

    opeator_emailed ,

    operator_netsent ,

    operator_paged ,

    retries_attemped ,



    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_jobhistory @job_name = 'MyAgentJob',

    @mode = 'FULL', @start_run_date = @Date, @run_status = 0,

    @step_id = 0

    DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @stepName VARCHAR(75)

    DECLARE @jobName VARCHAR(75)


    DECLARE @Subject VARCHAR(125)

    SELECT @msg = [message] ,

    @stepName = step_name ,

    @jobName = job_name

    FROM #JobHistory

    DROP TABLE #JobHistory ;

    SET @Body = '<strong>JOB NAME: </strong>' + @jobName + '


    + '<Strong>STEP NAME: </Strong>' + @stepName + '


    + '<Strong>ERROR MESSAGE: </Strong>' + @msg + '


    SET @Subject = 'Job Failed: ' + @jobName + '\' + @stepName

    EXECUTE [msdb].[dbo].[sp_send_dbmail] @profile_name = 'MyDBMailProfile',

    @body_format = 'HTML',

    @recipients = '',

    @body = @Body, @subject = @Subject, @importance = 'High'

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  • Thank you so much for sharing!

    I am off to give it a try.

  • Worked spectacular!!

    Thank you again!

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