Job Creation Problem

  • when i going to create a new job, after i click on "OK" prompt up this error msg....


    Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SimpleObjectKey' to type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Agent.JobObjectKey'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)


    hope anyone help me with this..

  • Hello

    I found this forum that discussed the problem:

    at the bottom of the discussion this is how they got it to work:

    On our SQL Server 2005 development machine, we did install SP2

    however, that doesn't solve the problem because the problem lies in scheduling your job using Management Studio through your local machine. If you logged onto your SQL 2005 server that has SP2, you should be able to schedule from there. But it's through Management Studio, which I'm guessing most of you are trying to create a job schedule for your packages. Usually, people don't think of upgrading their client tools as well.

    I verified this by upgrading my local machine to SP2 for the client tools and was able to successfully schedule. You might also need to upgrade your server machine to SP2 to work as well.

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