Jet OLEDB 4.0 connection on 64 bit server

  • We have developed a SSIS package which uses Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 to open Excel file.

    This package runs from a job on a 32 bit test server without any problem.

    But, while running this package from a job on a 64 bit server, it throws following error:

    Description: The connection "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. End Error DTExec: Could not find the Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 connection in the package.

    How to fix thhis problem? It is Jet driver issue? What is meant by "connection is not found"?

    I searched and found that Microsoft has not provided 64 jet driver. However, it looks like there is workaround for this problem.

    Any help will be highly appreciated.

  • Are you using 2005?

    You need to run the job in 32 bit. For job step, use

    Type: Operating system (CmdExec)

    Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\dtexec.exe /FILE "my_file_location" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

    as example. You can find all the stuff from '/FILE' on in your current job in the 'command line' tab

    I believe 2008 has a checkbox to allow running job in 32 bit, but I'm currently stuck with 2005. If I'm wrong let me know.

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