JDBC 2.2.0029, SP1

  • We may need to upgrade the JDBC driver for SQL Server 2000 to communicate properly with ColdFusion MX (We just switched from ColdFusion 5) We're having some problems (error messages).

    There is newer version of JDBC than what we have. Problem is we have NT and the Microsoft download page for the JDBC driver, 2.2.0029 SP1 says that the only supported OSs are Windows XP, Windows 2000 with SP2 or higher.

    Has anyone actually used this JDBC version with SQL Server 2000 on NT? Has it worked even though the MS page says it supports only Windows 2000 and XP? Would it be a mistake to install it?


  • You may not even need JDBC for SQL Server in Windwos platform when running ColdFusion MX. ColdFusion MX comes with its own ODBC server which can be used to communicate to Microsoft ODBC drive for SQL Server.

    What application do you run with the ColdFusion MX ? Whar are the error messages?


  • We have a web application originally done in ColdFusion 5 with fusebox, with a SQL Server 2000 SP3 database on NT, edited now with Dreamweaver. One of our ColdFusion developers is working on upgrading from ColdFusion 5 server to MX.

    He's the main person dealing with the errors from our application, so I don't actually have the exact text of many.

    The developer came to me last week after getting many of the errors and said he thought we needed to upgrade the driver. That's when I discovered it is not listed as a supported OS.

    One was something like "...end of data reached" or something of the like, and it said it was a JDBC error. 

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