Its very urgent : Time Out Error

  • Hello,

    Currently I am calling my SP of SQL 2005 using Asp.NET 2.0.

    SP is based on more than 12 selection criteria, so I am firstly creating whole Query in one string and then executing. Also there are some reports in which I have used Cursors which are necessory to me fetch the data.(for cross tab reports).

    I have set the CommandTimeout more than 50,

    Currently SP execution taking time more than 80 to 90 seconds,

    When i call it through Asp.NET it is giving Time out error .

    NOTE : Data varies.

    Plz. plz. suggest

    Warm Regards

  • My first suggestion would be to optimise the proc. Replace those cursors with set-based code that should run a lot faster. If you're doing cross tabs, look up the PIVOT keyword in SQL 2005.

    If you want some help with that, post the proc.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi Gail

    Tnx. for very fast reply.

    Can u explain me in brief?



  • Most of times, you can replace a cursor/row-by-row processing with batch processing. Depending on the output you are expecting, and the structure of the source data, the apporach/code may be different. So I would suggest you post the script of your tables and explain the output you are trying to generate from the source data.


  • Hello SSC Veteran

    I am Executing Application using local host of .NET framework.

    SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition of 60 GB Data Size.

    here is my SP : (This is not for Cross-tab style report)


    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[RptProduct_Wise_Detailed_Report]

    @intFilterLocation as int,--//By Country,Region,Depot,Area,SubArea,Route

    @strLocationCode as varchar(max),--//Location code

    @strCustomerTypeCode as varchar(max),--//Customer Categorycode or Group code

    @intCustomerTypeBy as int,--//By Customercategory,By Customer Group

    @strCustomerIDs as varchar(max),--//Customer IDs

    @intFilterCategory as int,--//Major,submajor....

    @strCategoryCode as varchar(max),--//Item categorycode

    @intReportType as int,--//Value,Cases etc...

    @intReportStructure as int,--//Sumary ,Detail...

    @intRptPeriod as int,--//Weeekly,Daterange....

    @strdtFromDate as varchar(30),--//fromdate

    @strdtToDate as varchar(30),--//todate

    @intSortBy as int,--//Data Sequence,Item Code

    @intOrderBy as int,--//Asc,Desc

    @intGroupBy as int,--//Group by Dynamic Column

    @intReportBy as int--//Report by (Report pattern as per dynamic col)




    --- NOTE : In this report Location is used in GroupBy i.e as Dynamic Column

    Declare @strQuery varchar(max)

    Declare @strQuery1 varchar(max)

    Declare @strQuery2 varchar(max)

    Declare @strFromQuery1 varchar(max)

    Declare @strFromQuery2 varchar(max)

    Declare @strCommon varchar(max)

    Declare @strWhere varchar(max)

    Declare @strFilterQuery varchar(max)

    Declare @strFilterQuery2 varchar(max)

    Declare @WeekStartDate varchar(20)

    Declare @WeekEndDate varchar(20)

    Declare @strGroupBy varchar(2000)

    Declare @ISSUED decimal(18,3)

    Declare @InventorySOLD decimal

    Declare @EXPIRED decimal

    Declare @DAMAGE decimal

    Declare @PROMO decimal

    Declare @RENT decimal

    DECLARE @strInsert varchar(3000)

    Declare @ItemGroupCode numeric

    Declare @ActualItemCode numeric

    DECLARE @CountryCode numeric,@RegionMstCode numeric,@DepotCode numeric,@AreaCode numeric

    DECLARE @SubAreaCode numeric,@RouteCode numeric,@Column1Code numeric,@Column2Code numeric,@Column3Code numeric

    declare @UnitsPerCase numeric, @LiterPerUnit decimal(18,2)

    DECLARE @strSubQry varchar(max)

    DECLARE @strSubQry2 varchar(max)

    --DECLARE @strGroupby varchar(max)

    DECLARE @strSubFrom varchar(max)

    DECLARE @strOrderBy varchar(max)

    SET @strInsert = ''

    SET @strSubQry =''

    SET @strSubQry2 =''

    SET @strGroupby =''

    SET @strSubFrom = ''

    SET @strOrderBy = ''

    Create table #tblProductDetail(CountryCode numeric default((0)),CountryName varchar(100),RegionMstCode numeric default((0)),RegionMstName varchar(100),DepotCode numeric default((0)),DepotName varchar(100),AreaCode numeric default((0)),AreaName varchar(100),SubAreaCode numeric default((0)), SubAreaName varchar(100),RouteCode numeric,RouteName varchar(100)

    ,Column1Code numeric default((0)),Column1Descrp varchar(100),Column2Code numeric default((0)),Column2Descrp varchar(100),Column3Code numeric default((0)),Column3Descrp varchar(100),UnitsPerCase numeric,LiterPerUnit decimal(18,2),

    ISSUED decimal(18,3),SOLD decimal(18,3) default ((0)),EXPIRED decimal(18,3),

    DAMAGE decimal(18,3),PROMO decimal(18,3),RENT decimal(18,3),SOLDAMT decimal(18,3) default ((0)))

    --Column1Code,0 as Column1Descrp

    set @strInsert = 'Insert into #tblProductDetail(CountryCode,CountryName,RegionMstCode,RegionMstName,DepotCode,DepotName,AreaCode,AreaName,SubAreaCode,SubAreaName,RouteCode,RouteName,Column1Code,Column1Descrp,Column2Code,Column2Descrp,Column3Code,Column3Descrp,UnitsPerCase,LiterPerUnit,SOLD,EXPIRED,DAMAGE,PROMO,RENT,SOLDAMT)'

    SET @strCommon =''

    Set @strFromQuery1 = ' FROM InventoryTransactionHeader INNER JOIN

    InventorySummaryDetail ON InventoryTransactionHeader.InventoryKey = InventorySummaryDetail.InventoryKey INNER JOIN

    ItemMaster ON InventorySummaryDetail.ItemCode = ItemMaster.ActualItemCode INNER JOIN

    ItemGroup ON ItemMaster.ItemGroupCode = ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode INNER JOIN

    SubMajorCategory ON ItemGroup.SubMajorCategoryCode = SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode INNER JOIN

    MajorCategory ON SubMajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode = MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode INNER JOIN

    CompanyGroup ON CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode = MajorCategory.CompanyGroupCode INNER JOIN

    RouteMaster ON InventoryTransactionHeader.RouteCode = RouteMaster.RouteCode INNER JOIN

    SubAreaMaster ON RouteMaster.SubAreaCode = SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode INNER JOIN

    AreaMaster ON SubAreaMaster.AreaCode = AreaMaster.AreaCode INNER JOIN

    DepotMaster ON AreaMaster.DepotCode = DepotMaster.DepotCode INNER JOIN

    RegionMaster ON DepotMaster.RegionMstCode = RegionMaster.RegionMstCode INNER JOIN

    Country ON RegionMaster.CountryCode = Country.CountryCode INNER JOIN

    CurrencyMaster ON Country.CurrencyCode = CurrencyMaster.CurrencyCode AND InventoryTransactionHeader.TransactionType = 3'

    Set @strFromQuery2 = ' FROM InvoiceHeader INNER JOIN

    InvoiceDetail ON InvoiceHeader.TransactionKey = InvoiceDetail.TransactionKey INNER JOIN

    ItemMaster ON InvoiceDetail.ItemCode = ItemMaster.ActualItemCode INNER JOIN

    ItemGroup ON ItemMaster.ItemGroupCode = ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode INNER JOIN

    SubMajorCategory ON ItemGroup.SubMajorCategoryCode = SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode INNER JOIN

    MajorCategory ON SubMajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode = MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode INNER JOIN

    CompanyGroup ON CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode = MajorCategory.CompanyGroupCode INNER JOIN

    RouteMaster ON InvoiceHeader.RouteCode = RouteMaster.RouteCode INNER JOIN

    SubAreaMaster ON RouteMaster.SubAreaCode = SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode INNER JOIN

    AreaMaster ON SubAreaMaster.AreaCode = AreaMaster.AreaCode INNER JOIN

    DepotMaster ON AreaMaster.DepotCode = DepotMaster.DepotCode INNER JOIN

    RegionMaster ON DepotMaster.RegionMstCode = RegionMaster.RegionMstCode INNER JOIN

    Country ON RegionMaster.CountryCode = Country.CountryCode INNER JOIN

    CustomerMaster ON InvoiceHeader.CustomerCode = CustomerMaster.CustomerCode INNER JOIN

    CategoryMaster ON CustomerMaster.CustomerCategory = CategoryMaster.CategoryId '

    if(@intReportType = 1) -- By Value


    SET @strQuery1 =' sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) - (Sum((InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty) * InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) + Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0) + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0))* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode))) as SOLD,

    sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0)* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) as EXPIRED,

    sum(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) as DAMAGE ,

    sum (((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FreeSampleQty,0)-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)))+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0)-ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnFreeQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) as PROMO,

    sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) as RENT,

    sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) - (Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) + Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0) + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0))* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode))) as SOLDAMT '

    --SET @strQuery2 =' Select ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode,ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,Sum((InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)*InventorySummaryDetail.StdSalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InventorySummaryDetail.CurrencyCode)) as ISSUED '

    SET @strQuery2 =' Sum((InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)*InventorySummaryDetail.StdSalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InventorySummaryDetail.CurrencyCode)) as ISSUED '


    if(@intReportType = 2) --By Liters


    SET @strQuery1 =' (sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0))-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0) + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0)))) as SOLD,

    (sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0))* ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit)) as EXPIRED,

    (sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0))* ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit)) as DAMAGE ,

    (sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FreeSampleQty,0)-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)))+(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0))-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnFreeQty,0)) *ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit))as PROMO,

    (sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit)) as RENT,

    sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) - (Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) + Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0) + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0))* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode))) as SOLDAMT '

    --SET @strQuery2 ='Select ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode,ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,(Sum(InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)*ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit) as ISSUED '

    SET @strQuery2 =' (Sum(InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)*ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit) as ISSUED '


    if(@intReportType = 3) -- By Cases


    SET @strQuery1 =' (sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0))-(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty+InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty + InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty))) as SOLD,

    (sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0))) as EXPIRED,

    sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0)) as DAMAGE ,

    sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FreeSampleQty,0)-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)))+(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0))-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnFreeQty,0)))as PROMO,

    (sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0))) as RENT,

    sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) - (Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) + Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0) + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0))* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode))) as SOLDAMT '

    --SET @strQuery2 ='Select ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode,ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,(Sum(InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)) as ISSUED '

    SET @strQuery2 =' (Sum(InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)) as ISSUED '


    if(@intReportType = 4) -- By Pieces


    SET @strQuery1 =' (sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0))-(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty+InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0)))) as SOLD,

    sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0)) as EXPIRED,

    sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0)) as DAMAGE ,

    sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FreeSampleQty,0)-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)))+(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ManualFreeQty,0))-(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnFreeQty,0)))as PROMO,

    sum(ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) as RENT,

    sum((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.RebateRentQty,0)+ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.FixedRentQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) - (Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ReturnQty,0)) * InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode)) + Sum((ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.ExpiryQty,0) + ISNULL(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty,0))* InvoiceDetail.ReturnPrice * [dbo].[udf_GetExchangeRate](1,InvoiceDetail.CurrencyCode))) as SOLDAMT '

    --SET @strQuery2 ='Select ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode,ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,(Sum(InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)) as ISSUED '

    SET @strQuery2 =' (Sum(InventorySummaryDetail.LoadQty + InventorySummaryDetail.LoadAddQty -InventorySummaryDetail.LoadCutQty -InventorySummaryDetail.UnloadQty)) as ISSUED '


    if(@intReportType = 6 )-- By Quanity


    SET @strQuery1 =' sum(InvoiceDetail.SalesQty) as SOLD, sum(InvoiceDetail.DamagedQty) as EXPIRED, 0 as DAMAGE,

    sum(InvoiceDetail.PromoQty) as PROMO, 0 as RENT,sum(((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty /ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase )* InvoiceDetail.SalesCasePrice) + ((InvoiceDetail.SalesQty - (ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase * (InvoiceDetail.SalesQty / ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase))) * InvoiceDetail.SalesPrice)) as SOLDAMT,ItemMaster.ItemShortDescription '

    --SET @strQuery2 ='Select ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode,ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,sum(InvoiceDetail.SalesQty) as SOLD'

    SET @strQuery2 =' sum(InvoiceDetail.SalesQty) as SOLD'


    SET @strFilterQuery =''

    if(@intGroupBy = 1) -- Sub total Country


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ' SELECT Country.CountryCode,Country.CountryName'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT Country.CountryCode,Country.CountryName, 0 as RegionMstCode,0 as RegionMstName,0 as DepotCode,0 as DepotName,0 as AreaCode,0 as AreaName,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as SubAreaName, 0 as RouteCode,0 as RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + 'SELECT Country.CountryCode,0 as RegionMstCode,0 as DepotCode,0 as AreaCode,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as RouteCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ' Group By Country.CountryCode,Country.CountryName'


    if(@intGroupBy = 2) -- Sub total Region


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT RegionMaster.RegionMstCode,RegionMaster.RegionMstName'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as CountryName, RegionMaster.RegionMstCode,RegionMaster.RegionMstName,0 as DepotCode,0 as DepotName,0 as AreaCode,0 as AreaName,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as SubAreaName, 0 as RouteCode,0 as RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,RegionMaster.RegionMstCode,0 as DepotCode,0 as AreaCode,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as RouteCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + 'Group By RegionMaster.RegionMstCode,RegionMaster.RegionMstName'


    if(@intGroupBy = 3) -- Sub total Depot


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT DepotMaster.DepotCode,DepotMaster.DepotName'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as CountryName, 0 as RegionMstCode,0 as RegionMstName,DepotMaster.DepotCode,DepotMaster.DepotName,0 as AreaCode,0 as AreaName,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as SubAreaName, 0 as RouteCode,0 as RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode, 0 as RegionMstCode,DepotMaster.DepotCode,0 as AreaCode,0 as SubAreaCode, 0 as RouteCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + 'Group By DepotMaster.DepotCode,DepotMaster.DepotName'


    if(@intGroupBy = 4) -- Sub total Area


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT AreaMaster.AreaCode,AreaMaster.AreaName'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as CountryName, 0 as RegionMstCode,0 as RegionMstName,0 as DepotCode,0 as DepotName,AreaMaster.AreaCode,AreaMaster.AreaName,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as SubAreaName, 0 as RouteCode,0 as RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as RegionMstCode,0 as DepotCode,AreaMaster.AreaCode,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as RouteCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + 'Group By AreaMaster.AreaCode,AreaMaster.AreaName'


    if(@intGroupBy = 5) -- Sub total SubArea


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode,SubAreaMaster.SubAreaName'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as CountryName, 0 as RegionMstCode,0 as RegionMstName,0 as DepotCode,0 as DepotName,0 as AreaCode,0 as AreaName,SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode,SubAreaMaster.SubAreaName, 0 as RouteCode,0 as RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as RegionMstCode,0 as DepotCode,0 as AreaCode,SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode,0 as RouteCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + 'Group By SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode,SubAreaMaster.SubAreaName'


    if(@intGroupBy = 6) --Sub total by route


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT RouteMaster.RouteCode,RouteMaster.RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as CountryName, 0 as RegionMstCode,0 as RegionMstName,0 as DepotCode,0 as DepotName,0 as AreaCode,0 as AreaName,0 as SubAreaCode,0 as SubAreaName, RouteMaster.RouteCode,RouteMaster.RouteName'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + 'SELECT 0 as CountryCode,0 as RegionMstCode,0 as DepotCode,0 as AreaCode,0 as SubAreaCode,RouteMaster.RouteCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + 'Group By RouteMaster.RouteCode,RouteMaster.RouteName'


    -- Report By option

    if(@intReportBy = 6) -- ByItems


    --SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,ItemMaster.ItemShortDescription,ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column1Code,SubMajorCategory.EnDescription as Column1Descrp,

    ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode as Column2Code,ItemGroup.ItemGroupName as Column2Descrp,

    ItemMaster.ActualItemCode as Column3Code,ItemMaster.ItemShortDescription as Column3Descrp,ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + ',SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column1Code,

    ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode as Column2Code,

    ItemMaster.ActualItemCode as Column3Code,ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ',SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode,SubMajorCategory.EnDescription,

    ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode ,ItemGroup.ItemGroupName,ItemMaster.ActualItemCode,ItemMaster.ItemShortDescription,ItemMaster.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster.LiterPerUnit'


    if(@intReportBy = 5) -- ByParentItems


    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',SubMajorCategory_1.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column1Code,SubMajorCategory_1.EnDescription as Column1Descrp,

    ItemGroup_1.ItemGroupCode as Column2Code,ItemGroup_1.ItemGroupName as Column2Descrp,

    ItemMaster_1.ActualItemCode as Column3Code,ItemMaster_1.ItemShortDescription as Column3Descrp,ItemMaster_1.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster_1.LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + ',SubMajorCategory_1.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column1Code,

    ItemGroup_1.ItemGroupCode as Column2Code,

    ItemMaster_1.ActualItemCode as Column3Code,ItemMaster_1.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster_1.LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubFrom = ' INNER JOIN ItemMaster AS ItemMaster_1 ON ItemMaster.ParentItemCode = ItemMaster_1.ActualItemCode

    INNER JOIN ItemGroup AS ItemGroup_1 ON ItemMaster_1.ItemGroupCode = ItemGroup_1.ItemGroupCode

    INNER JOIN SubMajorCategory AS SubMajorCategory_1 ON ItemGroup_1.SubMajorCategoryCode = SubMajorCategory_1.SubMajorCategoryCode'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ',SubMajorCategory_1.SubMajorCategoryCode,SubMajorCategory_1.EnDescription,

    ItemGroup_1.ItemGroupCode ,ItemGroup_1.ItemGroupName,ItemMaster_1.ActualItemCode,ItemMaster_1.ItemShortDescription,ItemMaster_1.UnitsPerCase, ItemMaster_1.LiterPerUnit'


    if(@intReportBy = 4) -- ByItemGroup


    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode as Column1Code,MajorCategory.EnDescription as Column1Descrp,

    SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column2Code,SubMajorCategory.EnDescription as Column2Descrp,

    ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode as Column3Code,ItemGroup.ItemGroupName as Column3Descrp,

    0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + ',MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode as Column1Code,

    SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column2Code,

    ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode as Column3Code,0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ',MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode,MajorCategory.EnDescription,


    ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode ,ItemGroup.ItemGroupName'


    if(@intReportBy = 3) -- BySubMajorCategory


    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode as Column1Code,CompanyGroup.EnglishDescription as Column1Descrp,

    MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode as Column2Code,MajorCategory.EnDescription as Column2Descrp,

    SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column3Code,SubMajorCategory.EnDescription as Column3Descrp,

    0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + ',CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode as Column1Code,

    MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode as Column2Code,

    SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode as Column3Code,

    0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ',CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode,CompanyGroup.EnglishDescription,MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode,MajorCategory.EnDescription,



    if(@intReportBy = 2) -- ByMajorCategory


    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',0 as Column1Code,0 as Column1Descrp,

    CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode as Column2Code,CompanyGroup.EnglishDescription as Column2Descrp,

    MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode as Column3Code,MajorCategory.EnDescription as Column3Descrp,

    0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + ',0 as Column1Code,

    CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode as Column2Code,

    MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode as Column3Code,0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ',CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode,CompanyGroup.EnglishDescription,MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode,MajorCategory.EnDescription'


    if(@intReportBy = 1) -- ByProductCategory


    SET @strSubQry = @strSubQry + ',0 as Column1Code,0 as Column1Descrp,

    0 as Column2Code,0 as Column2Descrp,

    CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode as Column3Code,CompanyGroup.EnglishDescription as Column3Descrp,

    0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strSubQry2 = @strSubQry2 + ',0 as Column1Code,

    0 as Column2Code,

    CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode as Column3Code,

    0 as UnitsPerCase, 0 as LiterPerUnit,'

    SET @strGroupBy = @strGroupBy + ',CompanyGroup.CompanyGroupCode,CompanyGroup.EnglishDescription'


    IF(@intFilterLocation = 1) -- For Country


    SET @strFilterQuery =' Where Country.CountryCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '

    SET @strFilterQuery2 =' Where Country.CountryCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '


    IF(@intFilterLocation = 2) --For Region


    SET @strFilterQuery =' Where RegionMaster.RegionMstCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '

    SET @strFilterQuery2 =' Where RegionMaster.RegionMstCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '


    IF(@intFilterLocation = 3) -- For Depot


    SET @strFilterQuery =' Where DepotMaster.DepotCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '

    SET @strFilterQuery2 =' Where DepotMaster.DepotCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '


    IF(@intFilterLocation = 4) -- For Area


    SET @strFilterQuery =' Where AreaMaster.AreaCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '

    SET @strFilterQuery2 =' Where AreaMaster.AreaCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '


    IF(@intFilterLocation = 5) -- For SubArea


    SET @strFilterQuery =' Where SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '

    SET @strFilterQuery2 =' Where SubAreaMaster.SubAreaCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '


    IF(@intFilterLocation = 6) -- For Route


    SET @strFilterQuery =' Where RouteMaster.RouteCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '

    SET @strFilterQuery2 =' Where RouteMaster.RouteCode IN (' + @strLocationCode + ') '


    -----Item Category

    IF(@intFilterCategory = 1) -- Parent Item Group


    SET @strFilterQuery= @strFilterQuery + ' AND MajorCategory.CompanyGroupCode IN (' + @strCategoryCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2= @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND MajorCategory.CompanyGroupCode IN (' + @strCategoryCode + ')'


    IF(@intFilterCategory = 2) --MajorCategory


    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND MajorCategory.MajorCategoryCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'


    IF(@intFilterCategory = 3) --SubMajor


    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND SubMajorCategory.SubMajorCategoryCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'


    IF(@intFilterCategory = 4)--ItemGroup


    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND ItemGroup.ItemGroupCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'


    IF(@intFilterCategory = 5) -- Parent Item


    SET @strFilterQuery=@strFilterQuery + ' AND ItemMaster.ParentItemCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2=@strFilterQuery2 + ' AND ItemMaster.ParentItemCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'


    IF(@intFilterCategory = 6) -- Item


    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND ItemMaster.ActualItemCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND ItemMaster.ActualItemCode IN(' + @strCategoryCode + ')'



    ---if(@strCustomerIDs <>'')


    --SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND InvoiceHeader.CustomerCode IN (' + @strCustomerIDs + ')'


    ---Customer Type

    IF(@intCustomerTypeBy = 1) --//Customer category


    --//SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND CustomerMaster.CustomerCategory IN (' + @strCustomerTypeCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND CustomerMaster.CustomerCategory IN (' + @strCustomerTypeCode + ')'


    ELSE IF(@intCustomerTypeBy = 2) --Customer Group


    --//SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND CustomerMaster.GroupCode IN (' + @strCustomerTypeCode + ')'

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND CustomerMaster.GroupCode IN (' + @strCustomerTypeCode + ')'



    if(@intRptPeriod = 1) -- Date Range


    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND InventoryTransactionHeader.TransactionDate between ''' + @strdtFromDate + ''' AND '''+ @strdtToDate + ''''

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND InvoiceHeader.TransactionDate between ''' + @strdtFromDate + ''' AND '''+ @strdtToDate + ''''


    if(@intRptPeriod = 2) --Week Range


    SET @WeekStartDate = (Select Convert(varchar,WeekStartDate) from SalesCalender where SalesCalender.WeekNumber = Convert(int,@strdtToDate) and year(SalesCalender.WeekStartDate) = Convert(int,@strdtFromDate) and year(SalesCalender.WeekEndDate) = Convert(int,@strdtFromDate))

    SET @WeekEndDate =(Select Convert(varchar,WeekEndDate) from SalesCalender where SalesCalender.WeekNumber = Convert(int,@strdtToDate) and year(SalesCalender.WeekStartDate) = Convert(int,@strdtFromDate) and year(SalesCalender.WeekEndDate) = Convert(int,@strdtFromDate))

    IF(@WeekStartDate <> '' AND @WeekEndDate <> '')


    SET @strdtFromDate = @WeekStartDate

    SET @strdtToDate = @WeekEndDate

    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND InventoryTransactionHeader.TransactionDate between ''' + @WeekStartDate + ''' AND '''+ @WeekEndDate + ''''

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND InvoiceHeader.TransactionDate between ''' + @WeekStartDate + ''' AND '''+ @WeekEndDate + ''''



    if(@intRptPeriod = 3)--Month Range


    print @strdtToDate

    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND (year(InventoryTransactionHeader.TransactionDate) between ' + convert(varchar,year(Convert(DateTime,@strdtFromDate))) + ' AND '+ Convert(varchar,year(Convert(DateTime,@strdtToDate))) + ')

    AND Month(InventoryTransactionHeader.TransactionDate) between ' + Convert(varchar,Month(Convert(DateTime,@strdtFromDate))) + ' AND ' + Convert(varchar,Month(Convert(DateTime,@strdtToDate)))

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND (year(InvoiceHeader.TransactionDate) between '+ Convert(varchar,year(Convert(DateTime,@strdtFromDate))) + ' AND '+ Convert(varchar,year(Convert(DateTime,@strdtToDate))) + ')

    AND Month(InvoiceHeader.TransactionDate) between ' + Convert(varchar,Month(Convert(DateTime,@strdtFromDate))) + ' AND ' + Convert(varchar,Month(Convert(DateTime,@strdtToDate)))


    if(@intRptPeriod = 4) --Year Range


    SET @strFilterQuery = @strFilterQuery + ' AND year(InventoryTransactionHeader.TransactionDate) between ''' + @strdtFromDate + ''' AND ''' + @strdtToDate + ''''

    SET @strFilterQuery2 = @strFilterQuery2 + ' AND year(InvoiceHeader.TransactionDate) between ''' + @strdtFromDate + ''' AND ''' + @strdtToDate + ''''


    SET @strQuery1 = @strInsert + @strSubQry + @strQuery1 + @strFromQuery2 + @strSubFrom + @strFilterQuery2 +@strGroupBy

    print('>> 1 ' + @strQuery1)


    --Set @strQuery2 = @strQuery2 + @strFromQuery1 + @strFilterQuery

    SET @strQuery2 = @strSubQry2 + @strQuery2 + @strFromQuery1 + @strSubFrom + @strFilterQuery +@strGroupBy

    print('>> 2 ' + @strQuery2)

    Exec('Declare SubCursor Cursor For ' + @strQuery2)

    OPEN SubCursor


    INTO @CountryCode,@RegionMstCode,@DepotCode,@AreaCode,@SubAreaCode,@RouteCode,@Column1Code,@Column2Code,@Column3Code,@UnitsPerCase,@LiterPerUnit,@ISSUED

    While (@@Fetch_Status =0)


    UPDATE #tblProductDetail


    Where CountryCode = @CountryCode AND

    RegionMstCode = @RegionMstCode AND

    DepotCode = @DepotCode AND

    AreaCode = @AreaCode AND

    SubAreaCode = @SubAreaCode AND

    RouteCode = @RouteCode AND

    Column1Code = @Column1Code AND

    Column2Code = @Column2Code AND Column3Code = @Column3Code


    INTO @CountryCode,@RegionMstCode,@DepotCode,@AreaCode,@SubAreaCode,@RouteCode,@Column1Code,@Column2Code,@Column3Code,@UnitsPerCase,@LiterPerUnit,@ISSUED


    Close SubCursor

    Deallocate SubCursor

    SELECT CountryCode,CountryName,RegionMstCode,RegionMstName,DepotCode,DepotName,AreaCode,AreaName ,SubAreaCode, SubAreaName ,RouteCode ,RouteName

    ,Column1Code ,Column1Descrp ,Column2Code ,Column2Descrp,Column3Code ,Column3Descrp ,UnitsPerCase ,LiterPerUnit ,


    order by CountryCode,RegionMstCode,DepotCode,AreaCode,SubAreaCode,RouteCode,Column1Code,Column2Code,Column3Code

    DROP TAble #tblProductDetail




  • IntellectYog (10/7/2008)

    Hi Gail

    Tnx. for very fast reply.

    Can u explain me in brief?

    What do you want explaining?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Hi Gail !

    I need more explanation regarding your statement

    "Replace those cursors with set-based code that should run a lot faster"

    for your reference, above I have pasted my SP too, if any suggetions over it also plz.



  • What Gail means is that there is no reason to use a cursor to do a "Cross Tab" report. Now, I'm not going to troubleshoot the size stored procedure you just posted especially for free :), but I do recommend you simply rewrite the thing using the techniques found at the following URL...

    Done properly, such Cross-Tabs or "Pivots" are lightning fast especially if you use the "pre-aggregation" method described in the article.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Hi Jeff Moden,

    Tnx. for the reply. I will definetly follow the URL u have given.

    n it's my pleasure that may my SP help others incase .. 🙂



  • I haven't look in detail at what your dynamic queries are doing, but by looking at the bottom of your proc I believe that you could easily convert this to a set-based update.

    Instead of generating a Cursor for @strQuery2, simply join in #tblProductDetail and do your update directly. Since @strQuery2 has SUMs in it, one way to do that is as follows:

    UPDATE pd


    FROM #tblProductDetail pd

    INNER JOIN ( --the entire SELECT-FROM-WHERE-GROUPBY from @strQuery2 goes here-- ) x

    ON pd.CountryCode = x.CountryCode AND

    pd.RegionMstCode = x.RegionMstCode AND

    pd.DepotCode = x.DepotCode AND

    pd.AreaCode = x.AreaCode AND

    pd.SubAreaCode = x.SubAreaCode AND

    pd.RouteCode = x.RouteCode AND

    pd.Column1Code = x.Column1Code AND

    pd.Column2Code = x.Column2Code AND

    pd.Column3Code = x.Column3Code

    You could also use @strQuery2 to load another temp table and then reference that temp table where the --*-- is.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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