Iterative problem

  • I have the following problem - There is a table with RecordID, ProjectID, Start, End and Status. RecordID is the primary key and the ProjectID is the foreign key to another table. The typical data is as follows:

    RecordID | ProjectID | Start   |    End        

    1             1000        2/1/2003  2/2/2003        

    2             1000        2/12/2003 2/13/2003      

    3             2000        6/1/2004  6/3/2004        

    4             2000        8/1/2004  8/2/2004        

    5             2000        7/10/2006 7/11/2006      

    I would like to write a query to get a list of the highest RecordIDs for each unique ProjectID with the start and end dates 6 months prior to today's date. In the above example, it would be 2.

  • In your example, did you miss something?  First you mention there is a field status but there is no status in your example.

    You want to write a query of the highest recordID for each unique ProjectID, is it there should be one answer for project ID 1000 and one answer for project ID 2000.

    CREATE TABLE Temp (RecordID INT,

                                  ProjectID INT,

                                  StartDate DATETIME,

                                EndDate DateTime)

    INSERT INTO #Temp(RecordID ,

                        ProjectID ,

                       StartDate ,


    SELECT 1, 1000,  '02/01/2003', '02/02/2003'


    SELECT 2, 1000, '02/12/2003', '02/13/2003'     


    SELECT 3, 2000 ,'06/01/2004',  '06/03/2004'        


    SELECT 4, 2000, '08/01/2004',  '08/02/2004'        


    SELECT 5, 2000, '07/10/2006', '07/11/2006'      

    SELECT MAX(RecordID), t.ProjectID

    FROM Temp t

     INNER JOIN (SELECT Distinct ProjectID

       FROM Temp

       WHERE StartDate < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE()) AND

             EndDate < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE())) d

       ON t.ProjectID = d.ProjectID

    GROUP BY t.ProjectID


    RecordID    ProjectID

    2               1000

    5               2000

  • Hi,

    Thanks for responding. I left the status out of the data since it does not play any role. Now if your query is correct, there should be only one row in the output:

    RecordID    ProjectID

    2               1000

    Since the second row (5 2000) has start and end dates inside of 6 months from today.

  • I made a mistake about the 5.  But for projectID 2000, you should get 4 as the recordID since the startdate and enddate is 6 month from today.

  • I changed the query.

    SELECT MAX(t.RecordID), t.ProjectID

    FROM #Temp t

     INNER JOIN (SELECT Distinct RecordID, ProjectID

       FROM #Temp

       WHERE StartDate < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE()) AND

             EndDate < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE())) d

       ON t.ProjectID = d.ProjectID AND

                               t.recordID = d.recordID

    GROUP BY t.ProjectID

  • Actually I made it too complicated.

    SELECT MAX(RecordID), ProjectID

    FROM Temp

    WHERE StartDate < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE()) AND

     EndDate < DATEADD(MM, -6, GETDATE())

    GROUP BY ProjectID


  • Excellent! Thanks much!

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