Iterating through a config file, and dynamic connection types in DTS - SQL Server 2000

  • Hi all...

    Unfortunately I'm limitted on my project to SQL Server 2000.  2005 is

    not an option.  That being the case, I have two questions...

    Is there any way through an ActiveX Script task (or a Dynamic

    Properties Task, or any other way) to dynamically modify the type of

    connection employed by a Microsoft Data Link at run time?   What I mean

    by that is that in some cases, I want the Microsoft Data Link to

    connect to an Access database, in some cases to Oracle, in some cases

    to a text file and in other cases to a SQL Server database.  Looking at

    my options, for example, with the Dynamic Properties task and the

    parameters on the Microsoft Data Link task, it seems that things like

    the database server name, and the actual database on the server, can be

    editted, but the connection type cannot.  Is this same limitation also

    in play when trying to edit the properties of the Microsoft Data Link

    from within an ActiveX task?

    Also, I have a  second, related question.  But first, briefly, a little


    Ultimately, I'm trying to extract data from a set of databases (that is

    not set in stone... it will vary over time), and store that data in my

    main database on the SQL server.  What I'd really like to do is have a

    configuration file that lists a bunch of databases (i.e. database type

    - Oracle, SQL Server, Access, ect.) along with a query to run on each.

    The query would be the correct query to extract the data I need from

    each database.  Ultimately, the data I extract from each database will

    be transformed and saved into a table in my main SQL Server database.

    My question is, what is the best way to accomplish this - to read in

    the configuration file and to iterate through however many records it

    contains, connect to each of the specified databases (regardless of the

    database type, Oracle, SQL ect.), run the specified query against the

    database to extract the data I need, and then to move on to the next

    entry in the config file and repeat?

    I suspect the right way is to use an Active X control that modifies the

    properties of my connection object based, and the query in my transform

    task, based on the data on each line of my config file, but I'm not

    exactly sure.  Any advice would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for any help.....

  • after you create your connection object, start a loop

    for each connection string in The_List

        set the connection string to the connection object

        open the connection object

        do some work

        close the connection object



    Something like this ought to set you on the right path.  In your Web.Config or App.Config set up the ConnectionStrings that you want to iterate thru.  You can get the settings of the actual strings from (Very nice site!).  Using ODBC gives you a lot of flexibility that you can't get using the native sql or oracle database drivers.

    C# code

    Imports System.Data.Odbc

    OdbcConnection myconnection;

    int ConnectionStrings = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionStrings"));

    if (ConnectionStrings > 0)


        for (int J = 0; J < ConnectionStrings; J++)    // for each connection string in the list


            string CurrentConnectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString" + J].ToString();

            myconnection.ConnectionString = CurrentConnectionString;



            do some work








      <add key="ConnectionStrings" value="4" />

      <add key="ConnectionString0" value="sql server connection string" />

      <add key="ConnectionString1" value="oracle connection string" />

      <add key="ConnectionString2" value="access connection string" />

      <add key="ConnectionString3" value="excel connection string" />



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