Iterate and assign Query help

  • Table:SchoolTeacher

    TeacherName Zip City State
    ------------ ---- ------ ------
    Sam 12345 NJ NewYork
    Pat 12345 NJ NewYork
    Peter 12588 Spring MD


    SchoolLocationID Zip City State
    -------------- ------- ----- -----
    105 12345 NV NewYork
    105 12345 NJ NewYork
    106 12345 NJ NewYork
    107 12588 Spring MD

    1) Match should be done on Zipcodes if it matched then a single teacher assigned to only one schoollocation ID
    and the remaining teacher cannot be assigned to same school locationID.

    2) If Zipcodes doesn't match then do City match and if it is matched then assigned teacher to location ID then exclude the matched locationID for next teacher assignment.

    Expected output:

    TeacherName Zip City State SchoolLocationID
    ------------ ---- ------ ------ -------------
    Sam 12345 NJ NewYork 105
    Pat 12345 NJ NewYork 106
    Peter 12588 Spring MD 107

    Thank you for your help in advance !!
  • Some observations:

    1. You have written a load of text without asking for anything.
    2. This looks like homework. For example, no one would ever key a table on 'first name' in a professional database application. Nor would address be held in such a de-normalised fashion. Why should we do your homework for you?
    3. You have not included setup scripts for the test data (in the form of CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements)
    4. ID stands for Identity Document (eg, a passport). What you want here is Id (Identifier)

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • I'm perfectly happy to help with homework.


    So, where are you stuck? What have you tried that didn't work? Show me your work, and I'll be happy to toss in some pointers.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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