issue with this sql statement

  • Hello all,

    Hope this is in the right place! Apologises if its not.

    I have the following code that should be returning the following columns

    Alias, FreshPointsBalance, PercentPoints

    But instead is giving me

    Alias, FreshPointsBalance, (no column name)

    I'm using this sql statement...

    ;with cte AS (

    SELECT t.User_ID, t.FreshPointsBalance,

    PercentPoints = CONVERT(DECIMAL, (

    CONVERT(FLOAT, t.FreshPointsBalance) /

    CONVERT(FLOAT, SUM(t.FreshPointsBalance) OVER() )

    ) * 100

    ) + '%'


    (SELECT TOP(10) PERCENT WITH TIES Users.User_ID, DailyUsers.FreshPointsBalance

    FROM Users

    INNER JOIN DailyUsers

    ON DailyUsers.User_ID = Users.User_ID

    WHERE DailyUsers.DailyID = 13

    ORDER BY DailyUsers.FreshPointsBalance desc

    ) t


    SELECT u.Alias, du.FreshPointsBalance, COALESCE(cte.PercentPoints,0)

    FROM Users u

    INNER JOIN DailyUsers du

    ON du.User_ID = u.User_ID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN cte ON u.User_ID=cte.User_ID

    WHERE du.DailyID = 13

    ORDER BY du.FreshPointsBalance desc

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?



  • . . .

    SELECT u.Alias, du.FreshPointsBalance, COALESCE(cte.PercentPoints,0) AS PercentPoints

    . . .

  • sweet! thank you

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