hi , i do report in SSRS 2008. with the query with the condition of checking the table's date field's value with the date parameter ...
everything works fine except the place where its getting executed. in preview part.
The error is,
Adding a value to a datetime column caused overflow. The statement terminated.
What may the problem be??
Kindly help me !!
February 28, 2011 at 7:18 am
Are you using a DATEADD anywhere in your query, or other math on the date field? Look there for a problem and a solution.
February 28, 2011 at 11:45 am
New Commer (2/28/2011)
hi , i do report in SSRS 2008. with the query with the condition of checking the table's date field's value with the date parameter ...everything works fine except the place where its getting executed. in preview part.
The error is,
Adding a value to a datetime column caused overflow. The statement terminated.
What may the problem be??
Kindly help me !!
check for "blanks" in your date field.
MCTS: BI 2008, MCITP: BI 2008
Stay Thirsty My Friends
February 28, 2011 at 9:46 pm
Daniel Bowlin (2/28/2011)
Are you using a DATEADD anywhere in your query, or other math on the date field? Look there for a problem and a solution.
Yes there im using the DateAdd to calculate the last year date and condition it to provide the value from a table..
What is the solution ??
PLease give me..
MostInterestingMan (2/28/2011)
check for "blanks" in your date field.
How to check for the "blanks" ?
Thanks in Advance !
March 1, 2011 at 3:35 am
The error is appearing only when using the DateAdd function.
So is there any other query to find the date of last year??
Please any one reply..
After refering to the below link,
AMIT GUPTA-263376 (3/2/2006)
it is working fine man.
select convert(smalldatetime,'18/01/1976',103)
i got the light. Actually i had given the default date to be 01/01/1753
aftere changing to 1900 it worked.
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