Issue with SQL server using very inefficient query plan

  • Hi,

    I have a search stored procedure that basically performs a query similar to

    select top 10 primary_key,field1,field2,field3

    from Table1

    where table1.dateField between @iDate1 and @iDate2 and exists

    (select primary_key2 from table2

    where table2.foreign_key = table1.primary_key and

    table2.TextField LIKE '%'+@iKeyword+'%')

    ORDER by table1.dateField desc

    Basically table1 and table2 have of order 100,000 rows in them, and typically about 10% of those rows are included in the range @iDate1 to @iDate2. I have an index on table1.dateField descending and another index on table2.foreign_key. TextField is a varchar(15) and contains a (non-unique) business identifier.

    Typically on my server hardware (running SQL 2008 R2 SP1 Standard) this query takes under a second to run. I have an issue that appears where @iKeyword is actually equal to TextField for a small proportion of the rows of table2(something less than 1% of the rows), and @iKeyword's length is within a few characters of the longest string stored in TextField and the first few characters of @iKeyword are the same as the first few chars on TextField for over 90% of the rows in table2. In these circumstances the query optimiser uses a query plan that is much less efficient for some reason - it takes of order 1 min 30 secs. Looking at the execution plan it seems to be using an index table2.TextField. SSMS is not picking up any missing indexes if I look at the missing_indexes DMV.

    I thought that if there was a leading wildcard the query optimiser would not attempt to use an index for that field, but it appears I was mistaken.

    I tried forcing the optimiser to re-compile specifically for that argument by adding 'WITH RECOMPILE' to the stored proc and re-executing. This had no effect on the execution time

    I tried modifying the query to something like

    ;with FilteredTable1


    ( select Primary_key,field1,field2,field3,dateField

    from table1

    where table1.dateField between @iDate1 and @iDate2)

    select top 10 f1.primary_key,f1.field1,f2.field2,f2.field3

    from filteredtable1 as f1

    where exists

    (select primary_key2 from table2 inner join

    filteredtable1 as f2 on table2.foreign_key = f2.primary_key

    where table2.foreign_key = f2.primary_key and

    table2.TextField like '%'+@iKeyword+'%')

    order by f1.datefield desc

    Unfortunately this didn't improve things either. The only way I that I have found to avoid this at this stage is to drop the index on table2.TextField. After I did this the second query above seems to run slightly faster than the first (ie faster than a second). As soon as I recreate the index on textfield1 the stored proc goes back to being 1min 30 secs execution time again for that specific argument. I would prefer to keep the index on textfield as it is being used for another (less frequent) query. I know that I could probably use an index hint to avoid this behaviour, but I generally consider this to be a last resort. I am beginning to think that I am at that 'last resort' stage. Does anyone have any ideas?



  • Could you post the execution plan please?

    Leading wildcard means SQL can't seek on an index. It can scan.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Have you considered using Full-Text?

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  • The execution plans - one with ix_ProblemIndex takes 1 min 20 sec to run, if you drop problem index you end up with less than a second.

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