Issue with SQL and value to RDL

  • I am having an odd issue. I have attached the SQL code and results below. For my Patient Gender, you can see in my results I get a checked value; however, when I drop the field into an RDL, it does not recognize my value. I instead get this (see below). Has anyone encountered this before and know of a fix?


    [f_19_PatientReservedForFuture] = NULL
    , [f_20_PatientNameAddress] = ISNULL([LastName], '') + ', ' + ISNULL([FirstName], '') + ' ' + ISNULL([MiddleName], '') + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)
    + ISNULL([Address1], '') + ' ' + ISNULL([Address2], '') + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13)
    + ISNULL([City], '') + ', ' + ISNULL([State], '') + ' ' + ISNULL([Zipcode], '')
    , [f_21_PatientDateofBirth] = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST([DateOfBirth] AS DATE), 101)
    , [f_22_PatientGender] = CASE
    WHEN [LegalSex] = 'M' THEN NCHAR(0x2611)
    ELSE NCHAR(0x2610)
    END + ' M ' + CASE
    WHEN [LegalSex] = 'F' THEN NCHAR(0x2611)
    ELSE NCHAR(0x2610)
    END + ' F ' + CASE
    WHEN [LegalSex] NOT IN ('M', 'F') THEN NCHAR(0x2611)
    ELSE NCHAR(0x2610)
    END + ' U'
    , [f_23_PatientIDDentist] = [PublicPatientId]
    , [PatientId]
    , CASE
    WHEN [LegalSex] = 'M' THEN NCHAR(0x2611)
    ELSE NCHAR(0x2610)
    END MaleGenderTest
    , [LegalSex]
    FROM [Dental].[Patient]
    WHERE [PatientId] = '6DA4CF8A-7910-4174-B883-5931970CB474'


  • Disregard - I see it now (had to select Print Layout).

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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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