Issue with Database Email

  • I am able to receive email when I execute my script using 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' privileges.

  • Do any of your mail alerts work on your sql jobs? try just doing a simple job that does a select statement and on the alert system send a mail to the operator (you) on completion.

  • Not on this server. None of the SQL jobs able to send email upon completion (success\failure).

    However I have few other SQL Servers from where email works from SQL agent jobs.

  • is this a production server? only reason i ask is it would be nice to change the sql agent to run under a domain admin account and that should rule out permissions on the agent service. If it still doesnt work under a domain admin account the chances are there is something wrong with your agent mail profile config.

  • Yes, this is a production server. I had tried running agent with service account, even then I am unable to get the email out from the sql jobs.

    Also, when I query sysmail_sentitems, I can see email triggering from the sql jobs and its respective status in sysmail_sentitems as "sent". Not sure what I am missing here. The same kind of profile working fine in 2 servers.

    Do you think there has to be some authetication and\or trust between SQL Server and exchange server that we can look into?

    Appreciate your help!


  • Please check with exchange admin that SQL server IP has mail relay permission on SMTP exchange server.

    Also you can verify login used for database mail profile creation has 'DatabaseMailUserRole' on msdb database.

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