April 6, 2011 at 5:50 am
When we have any updates/newly inserted on the source table those chages has to be tracked by CDC,but we are facing one issue
Eg: when we have some modified/newly inserted records in the source table after some latency there is an issue with the diskspace and we got one error("Primary group file is full/transction log is full") and the count of source and CDC table are not maching .once we resolved this space issue.again Will the cdc will track previous changes from the source...(or) not ??
Thanks in Advance
April 6, 2011 at 6:05 am
When SQL server runs out of disk space, it stops and tells you it ran out of disk space...it doesn't automatically disable CDC, trace, jobs or any other service from ever working again;
One of the neat things i learned from a post by Gail Shaw(Gilamonster) is that SQL server always makes sure it has enough log disk space to rollback any transactions it might need to , so if you run out of diskspace, you don't have any dataloss or transactions that didn't get saved due the disk space issue.
so once that issue was resolved with the disk space, it would resume doing what it did before. no need to panic and second guess yourself.
April 8, 2011 at 4:05 am
Thanks for you reply Lowell,but i am not facing the same as you suggested.. the CDc job is not getting disabled i can agree with that. but, the job is getting stopped right..Once after the the disk space issue is resolved, the moment where job got failed from that moment again it will start?
Ex:we have 12 to 13 source systems.. for the source system we will receive the data(to our desk) through transctional replication which is continous online.. and CDC will be enabled on the replicated DB.. so the insertions/modifications which is happend in the source system will be replicated to our desk and it is automatically tracked by the cdc.. and with the help of SSIS(incremental load) we are moving our data through the ODS(Oprational data store).
Here i have a problem. when the modification are there from the source system. the modifications has to be replicated and trcaked by cdc(imagine i a have 10 modified records in to different tables and these are replicated and which cdc is tacking the disk if full and it is showing the error("insufficient space") then job is not getting stopped.once after i created a space in the database and Cdc job is not tracking the previous modified records...It happens for me(again and again i ran the capture job it is showing sucess.but my CDC tables not have count same as the Normal tables)
Could you please help in this?
2 nd issue:
After the Data has replicated to our desk and the CDC will track the modified records.But In how much latency time will it take? and how come we know that each and evry records has tracked by CDC. and Can we Send any Mail notification once after CDC has teracked each and every data?
Thanks and have a great Week end
Anil inampudi
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