Issue with Catalog SSIS execution

  • Hi ,

    I am working on SSIS package where I have to deploy the package on CATALOG.

    I deployed the my project on SSISDB catalog.

    In my package on Script task and container is there.In container DFT where source is flat file and destination is OLEDB .

    1st task is Script task which is checking if file exist or not if exist it will go to container if not it will skip.

    This package working fine when running through BIDS.

    But when trying to run from catalog I am getting error

    Error Code: -1071636466

    Error Description: Cannot open the data file "H:\Spectrum_V2_ETL\Loading_Geography_Table_Data\MD_GEOGRAPHYLEVELXREF_US.txt".

    but MD_GEOGRAPHYLEVELXREF_US.txt file exist in folder then also it is getting fail.


    Vipin jha

  • Use a UNC path. Do not rely on network drive letters.

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