Issue with a complex select statement

  • OK, I'm having an issue with a complex select statement that was captured from a BO report. Like I said, it's complex. What's strange is this report runs on about 20 prod and test servers in about 3 minutes. I'm having issues with one of my prod and it's test server, it runs in 3 hrs 30 min. Towards the end of the select, you see this statement:

        and ( CASE

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'Gross ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'NPS   ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV    ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV NPS'  THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValueNetofPartSold )

    END ) > 0 

    Notice the tables aftre the then, do not use the alias provided earlier (AM).

    Which is strange, because if I change it from dbo.AccountMetrics.tablename to AM.tablename it runs in 38 seconds. Note: changing this works for the statement that will never be true ie Gross = BV. not Gross = Gross. Also note, when I comment out all 3 of the case statements that will never be true ie Gross = BV, it returns the data in 40 seconds.


    Here's the actual statement that is running:









      left(dbo.CreditClass.SplitClassReportCode+ SPACE(5),4),






    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'Gross ' THEN (  SUM(dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue) )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'NPS   ' THEN (  SUM(dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold) )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV    ' THEN (  sum(dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValue) )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV NPS'  THEN (  sum(dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValueNetofPartSold) )







      dbo.tlkpBOReportLabel  BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp,


      dbo.tlkpBOReportLabel  BORptLbl_SplitClass,



      ( dbo.Association.AssociationIDInternal=dbo.AccountMetrics.AssociationIDInternal and dbo.Association.DateIDInternal=dbo.AccountMetrics.DateIDInternal  )

      AND  ( dbo.AccountMetrics.CreditClassIDInternal=dbo.CreditClass.CreditClassIDInternal  )

      AND  ( dbo.AccountMetrics.DateIDInternal=dbo.Dates.DateIDInternal  )

      AND  ( dbo.Products.ProductIDInternal=dbo.AccountMetrics.ProductIDInternal  )

      AND  ( dbo.ReportControl.DateIDInternal=dbo.Dates.DateIDInternal  )

      AND  ( dbo.AccountMetrics.CreditClassRecordType IN (1,2)  )

      AND  ( dbo.CreditClass.SplitClass=BORptLbl_SplitClass.PartnerCode and dbo.CreditClass.SplitClassDescription=BORptLbl_SplitClass.PartnerDescription AND BORptLbl_SplitClass.ReportFilterName = 'SplitClass_Fltr'  )

      AND  ( dbo.Products.CommitmentTypeCode=BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp.PartnerCode and dbo.Products.CommitmentTypeDescription=BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp.PartnerDescription AND BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp.ReportFilterName = 'CommitmentTypeCode_Fltr'  )

      AND  (

      dbo.ReportControl.RptID  =  2

      AND  dbo.ReportControl.RptSection  =  'C'

      AND  dbo.AccountMetrics.MonthEndFlag  =  'Y'

      AND  CASE

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'Gross ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'NPS   ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV    ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV NPS'  THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValueNetofPartSold )

    END  >  0

      AND  ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BranchNumber IN (SELECT DISTINCT AM.BranchNumber 

      FROM   dbo.Dates D,dbo.AccountMetrics AM,dbo.Employee EM,dbo.Account AC,dbo.Association A



        AND  AM.DateIDInternal=D.DateIDInternal  

        AND  AC.DateIDInternal=D.DateIDInternal  

        AND  AM.DateIDInternal=AC.DateIDInternal  

        AND  AM.AccountIDInternal=AC.AccountIDInternal  

        and A.AssociationIDInternal=AM.AssociationIDInternal 

        and A.DateIDInternal=AM.DateIDInternal  

        and AM.MonthEndFlag = 'Y'

        and ( CASE

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'Gross ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'NPS   ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV    ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV NPS'  THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValueNetofPartSold )

    END ) > 0

        and AM.EmployeeIDInternal=EM.EmployeeIDInternal  

        AND  dbo.AccountMetrics.DateIDInternal=AM.DateIDInternal

        AND  dbo.AccountMetrics.AssociationNumber=AM.AssociationNumber

        AND  A.AssociationBranch  IN  ('028001       ' ,'028002       ' ,'028003       ' ,'028006       ' ,'028014       ' , '028080       ')

        AND EM.EmployeeID ='00503')  )









      left(dbo.CreditClass.SplitClassReportCode+ SPACE(5),4), 




  • Is it safe to assume that when you said:

    dbo.AccountMetrics.tablename you actually meant: dbo.AccountMetrics.Columnname

    About the difference in speed you will need to check your indexes usage, the statistics and the load on the "slow" server.




    * Noel

  • Yeah, sorry, column name. INDEXES are identical, the stats have been updated on both servers nightly. I'm concerned about the fully qualified name vs alais. Why would this make a difference, when the statement getting changed, would never be true anyway?

  • I would look at RAM, RAM usage, Disk space free, and disk utilization. If this server and its test server have less RAM available for SQL Server, then you can have radical slowdowns in processes *if* the process needs more memory space than is available. Also, if these have badly fragmented disks, or disks with little free space (which hinders many defragmenters), the problem could be a fragmented swap file.

  • It doesn't seem to be server related, hardware. I can restore a database from the servers that are running OK on to the test server and it runs fine and vice versa. It still runs slow on the test boxes that run fine. What kind of database options would effect the alais? Like I said in the begining, when I change the tablename to the alais, it runs fine. I just changed one of the query's that ran OK to an alias and now that query runs slow. this doesn't make sense.

  • Christian,

    IF you changed dbo.AccountMetrics to AM in the "IN"  subquery  you are creating a totally different query because there is an external dbo.AccountMetrics outside of the IN which is what the code is refering to!

    If what you want is maybe that the change that you proposed effectively is removing the need on the IN subquery to know about the "external" vaules.

    Hope is clear,


    * Noel

  • I was looking at that a little while ago. Your right, it is a different query. Anyway, why would changing the alais (commenting out the statement give the same results) make any difference in the query? Gross = Gross should be the only case true. Why when I comment out

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'NPS   ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV    ' THEN ( dbo.AccountMetrics.BookValue )

    WHEN substring('Gross      ',1,6) = 'BV NPS' 


    The query runs in under 1 minute?

  • FYI, the case statement I refer to is the one in the IN statement.

  • Another thing, Text plans differ from database to database:


    Here's the plan for the slow running query:


      |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE[Expr1024]=If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='Gross ') then [Expr1021] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='NPS   ') then [Expr1022] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='BV    ') then [Expr1023] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='BV NPS') then [Expr1020] else NULL))

           |--Stream Aggregate(GROUP BY[ReportControl].[OrderLinkCode], [Dates].[Date], [Association].[BranchNumber], [Products].[CommitmentTypeCode], [Products].[CommitmentTypeDescription], [BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[ReportLabelName], [Expr1019], [CreditClass].[SplitClassDescription], [BORptLbl_SplitClass].[ReportLabelName], [ReportControl].[ElementUsageCode]) DEFINE[Expr1020]=SUM([AccountMetrics].[BookValueNetofPartSold]), [Expr1021]=SUM([AccountMetrics].[FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue]), [Expr1022]=SUM([AccountMetrics].[FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold]), [Expr1023]=SUM([AccountMetrics].[BookValue])))

                |--Sort(ORDER BY[ReportControl].[OrderLinkCode] ASC, [Dates].[Date] ASC, [Association].[BranchNumber] ASC, [Products].[CommitmentTypeCode] ASC, [Products].[CommitmentTypeDescription] ASC, [BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[ReportLabelName] ASC, [Expr1019] ASC, [CreditClass].[SplitClassDescription] ASC, [BORptLbl_SplitClass].[ReportLabelName] ASC, [ReportControl].[ElementUsageCode] ASC))

                     |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE[Expr1019]=substring([CreditClass].[SplitClassReportCode]+space(5), 1, 4)))

                          |--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join, OUTER REFERENCES[Dates].[DateIDInternal], [AccountMetrics].[AssociationNumber], [AccountMetrics].[BranchNumber], [AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]))

                               |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH[BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[PartnerCode], [BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[PartnerDescription])=([Products].[CommitmentTypeCode], [Products].[CommitmentTypeDescription]), RESIDUAL[Products].[CommitmentTypeCode]=[BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[PartnerCode] AND [Products].[CommitmentTypeDescription]=[BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[PartnerDescription]))

                               |    |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[tlkpBOReportLabel].[PK_tlkpBOReportLabel] AS [BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp]), WHERE[BORptLbl_CommitmentTyp].[ReportFilterName]='CommitmentTypeCode_Fltr'))

                               |    |--Hash Match(Inner Join, HASH[BORptLbl_SplitClass].[PartnerCode], [BORptLbl_SplitClass].[PartnerDescription])=([CreditClass].[SplitClass], [CreditClass].[SplitClassDescription]), RESIDUAL[CreditClass].[SplitClass]=[BORptLbl_SplitClass].[PartnerCode] AND [CreditClass].[SplitClassDescription]=[BORptLbl_SplitClass].[PartnerDescription]))

                               |         |--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[tlkpBOReportLabel].[PK_tlkpBOReportLabel] AS [BORptLbl_SplitClass]), WHERE[BORptLbl_SplitClass].[ReportFilterName]='SplitClass_Fltr'))

                               |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]))

                               |              |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[AccountMetrics].[ProductIDInternal]))

                               |              |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal], [AccountMetrics].[AssociationIDInternal]) WITH PREFETCH)

                               |              |    |    |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK[Bmk1009]), OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[CreditClass]))

                               |              |    |    |    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[AccountMetrics].[CreditClassIDInternal]) WITH PREFETCH)

                               |              |    |    |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[ReportControl].[DateIDInternal]))

                               |              |    |    |         |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[ReportControl].[PK_ReportControl]), SEEK[ReportControl].[RptID]=2 AND [ReportControl].[RptSection]='C') ORDERED FORWARD)

                               |              |    |    |         |    |--Filter(WHEREIf (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='Gross ') then [AccountMetrics].[FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='NPS   ') then [AccountMetrics].[FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='BV    ') then [AccountMetrics].[BookValue] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='BV NPS') then [AccountMetrics].[BookValueNetofPartSold] else NULL>0.00))

                               |              |    |    |         |         |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[AccountMetrics].[IX_AccountMetrics_1]), SEEK[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]=[ReportControl].[DateIDInternal] AND [AccountMetrics].[CreditClassRecordType]=1 OR [AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]=[ReportControl].[DateIDInternal] AND [AccountMetrics].[CreditClassRecordType]=2),  WHEREIf (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='Gross ') then [AccountMetrics].[FinancialBalancePlusInterestDue] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='NPS   ') then [AccountMetrics].[FinancialBalanceNetofPartSoldPlusFinancialBalanceInterestDueNetofPartSold] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='BV    ') then [AccountMetrics].[BookValue] else If (substring('Gross      ', 1, 6)='BV NPS') then [AccountMetrics].[BookValueNetofPartSold] else NULL>0.00 AND [AccountMetrics].[MonthEndFlag]='Y') ORDERED FORWARD)

                               |              |    |    |         |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[CreditClass].[IX_CreditClass_Key]), SEEK[CreditClass].[CreditClassIDInternal]=[AccountMetrics].[CreditClassIDInternal]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                               |              |    |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Association].[IX_Association_Key]), SEEK[Association].[AssociationIDInternal]=[AccountMetrics].[AssociationIDInternal]),  WHERE[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]=[Association].[DateIDInternal]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                               |              |    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Products].[IX_Products_1]), SEEK[Products].[ProductIDInternal]=[AccountMetrics].[ProductIDInternal]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                               |              |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Dates].[PK_Dates]), SEEK[Dates].[DateIDInternal]=[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                               |--Row Count Spool

                                    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join)

                                         |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Dates].[IX_Dates_DateIDInternal] AS [D]), SEEK[D].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                                         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, WHERE[AM].[EmployeeIDInternal]=.[EmployeeIDInternal]))

                                              |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[AM].[AccountIDInternal]) WITH PREFETCH)

                                              |    |--Filter(WHERE[AM].[BranchNumber]=[AccountMetrics].[BranchNumber] AND [AM].[MonthEndFlag]='Y'))

                                              |    |    |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK[Bmk1015]), OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[AccountMetrics] AS [AM]))

                                              |    |         |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES[A].[AssociationIDInternal]))

                                              |    |              |--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK[Bmk1018]), OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Association] AS [A]))

                                              |    |              |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Association].[IX_Association_2] AS [A]), SEEK[A].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal] AND [A].[AssociationBranch]='057001       ' OR [A].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal] AND [A].[AssociationBranch]='057004       ' OR [A].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal] AND [A].[AssociationBranch]='057009       ' OR [A].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal] AND [A].[AssociationBranch]='057014       ' OR [A].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal] AND [A].[AssociationBranch]='057015       ' OR [A].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal] AND [A].[AssociationBranch]='057080       ') ORDERED FORWARD)

                                              |    |              |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[AccountMetrics].[IX_AccountMetrics_3] AS [AM]), SEEK[AM].[AssociationIDInternal]=[A].[AssociationIDInternal] AND [AM].[DateIDInternal]=[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]),  WHERE[AM].[AssociationNumber]=[AccountMetrics].[AssociationNumber]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                                              |    |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Account].[IX_Account_Key] AS [AC]), SEEK[AC].[AccountIDInternal]=[AM].[AccountIDInternal] AND [AC].[DateIDInternal]=[AccountMetrics].[DateIDInternal]),  WHERE[AC].[DateIDInternal]=[Dates].[DateIDInternal]) ORDERED FORWARD)

                                              |--Table Spool

                                                   |--Index Seek(OBJECT[DATAMART].[dbo].[Employee].[IX_Employee_EmployeeID] AS ), SEEK.[EmployeeID]='00669') ORDERED FORWARD)

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