Issue while inserting hardcode value into column

  • I have declared a table

     declare @Emp table
      no bigint identity(1,1) primary key,
      ms bigint,
                    name varchar(20) not null

     Declare  @stttime datetime ,
       @Etime datetime

    SET @starttime = getdate()
                    --blalblabla  testing a function to see how much time mtaking
       SET @Endtime = getdate()

       Insert into @Emp (ms,'Function')
       Select datediff(ms,@sttime,@etime)

    Why it I showng error invalid colun name at 'Function'; I am trying to insrt some description hardcoded value into Emp table
    Some times it says psedudo code error


  • Insert into @Emp (ms,'Function')
    Select datediff(ms,@sttime,@etime)

    Your error message is really telling you the problem here, you're trying to insert data into the columns ms and 'Function', in your table @emp. You're then only supplying one value.

    I'm not actually sure what your aim is here. What are you actually trying to populate your table with?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • something like this maybe?   (your declared variables didnt match your inserts)

    DECLARE @starttime DATETIME, @Endtime DATETIME;
    SET @starttime = GETDATE();
    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02';
    SET @Endtime = GETDATE();

    INSERT INTO @Emp(ms, name)
    SELECT DATEDIFF(ms, @starttime, @Endtime),'test';

    SELECT *FROM @emp;

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

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