Issue Cluster AlwaysON SQL 2014 SP1

  • Hi,

    I have nothing on error log.

    I think if I can restart SQL Engine on secondary node, it could be fix some issues. I tried to stop it but actually the statut is STOP PENDING for (SQL ENGINE SERVICE).

    I can't stop properly because we have some sleeping transactions (see *.xls). I tried to Kill Spid 242 (sleeping transaction locking another transaction but nothing happen). Except to unplug the server I have no other option.

    If we have a solution to kill these transactions it will be my christmas gift :w00t:

    Thanks guys for your helps


  • Perry Whittle (11/27/2015)

    Run a cluster validation and check the report



    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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