...Is this possible...? (two queries)

  • I want to combine a select statement and a stored procedure output.

    What I'm looking to do is combine 'sp_validatelogins' and 'select @@servername'.

    So, the results would be similar...

    Server........SID...........NT Login





  • I don't see how you're going to get multiple different @@servernames (as in the example), but this gets the resultset:

    declare @OrphanNTLogins table


    SID varbinary(85) null,

    NTLogin sysname null


    insert @OrphanNTLogins exec master.dbo.sp_validatelogins

    select @@servername as Server,



    from @OrphanNTLogins

    order by 2

    If you need this to be a query (vs a batch), then you could hide the proc call inside OpenQuery():

    exec sp_addlinkedserver 'MyServer', 'SQL Server'

    exec sp_serveroption 'MyServer', 'data access', true


    select * from OpenQuery(MyServer, '

    declare @OrphanNTLogins table --holds results from sp_validatelogins


    SID varbinary(85) null,

    NTLogin sysname null


    --this proc finds Windows logins that no longer exist outside of SQL

    insert @OrphanNTLogins exec master.dbo.sp_validatelogins

    select @@servername as Server,



    from @OrphanNTLogins

    order by 2


  • Just a quick datapull. Simply going to use SQLCMD

    :Connect Server1

    :r c:\script.sql

    :Cnnect Server2

    :r c:\script.sql

  • its failing with below error::

    Msg 17, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

  • Simple example of what I'm doing....

    :connect [YourServer]

    :r c:\script.sql

    :connect [YourServer2]

    :r c:\script.sql

    Script w/in c:\script.sql


    create table ##Temptable1544


    SID varbinary(85) null,

    NTLogin sysname null


    insert ##Temptable1 exec master.dbo.sp_validatelogins

    select @@servername as Server,



    from ##Temptable1544

    order by 2

    drop table ##Temptable1544

  • I'm not too familar w/ sp_addlinked server.

    In regards, i would need to pull this data from 100+ servers.

    When create/running this proc, is this only for the session or is that established going forward as being linked servers..?

  • Only mentioned OpenQuery because wasn't sure what you were trying to do. Now that you've clarified, I don't think it's the right approach.

    But the basic approach ought to work.

  • Msg 17, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    I think your approach should work. The above error does not indicate a problem with the query. You're missing the final "end", but maybe that was webpage cut & paste error.

    Can you succeed with a simpler sql script, e.g. "select @@servername"

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