is this a compatibility view I see before me ?

  • properly exceedingly obvious but is not to me ...

    what meta-data can I use to differeniate between a catalogue or a comptibility view ?

    to clarify Im not asking what they actually do .. Im asking is there a system table which tells me which camp a particular view belongs to ?

    thank you simon

  • As far as I know the only way is to read about it in BOL. If it exists just for backward compatibility, BOL will state so.


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  • possibly my fault for not explaining... I know why they exists I want a method of ifentifying all catalogue views and all compatibitly views seperately

    thanks simon

  • I'm not sure if it is a hard rule, but I would say that all the compatibilty views have a name starting with sys versus the new catalogue views, which are just in the sys schema but don't have a name prefix sys.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

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