Is there anyother way to eliminate the BOOKMARK LOOKUP , a part from changing the Indexes

  • I have Query that throws BOOK MARK LOOK UP .. I know that INDEXES are not that much good on the Specfic object.

    But i don't want to change any Indexes .. Is there anyother way to remove this BOOKMARK Look up ..

    Please Kindly let me know


  • Can you post the table def and query.

    In the meantime its worth checking this out:

  • Here is the script file , table def , and indexes .. I modifed the actual table names,col names .. pls go through this .. Please let me know ..

    Bunch of Thanks :::

    /* Script File*/

    Declare @Var1 datetime,

    @Var2 char(1)

    SET @Var1= ''

    SET @Var2 = ''


    IF Exists (

    SELECT 1 FROM tab1 s

    LEFT OUTER JOIN tab2 p ON s.col1 = p.col1

    WHERE p.col5 = @Var1 and (p.Col6 <> 'F' or p.Col6 IS NULL)

    and Exists(

    Select 1 from tab3 i

    Where i.col1 = s.col1

    AND i.col2 < @Var1

    GROUP BY i.Col3

    --Having Round(Sum(convert(int,i.col4)), 2) > 0 ) ) -- from 2000

    Having Round(Sum(i.col4), 2) > 0 ) ) -- from 2005


    RAISERROR ('Not in Scope', 16, 1) WITH SETERROR




    /* table defination */

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].tab3(

    col4 [char](14),

    [col5] [char](5),

    [col6] [char](3),

    [col7] [char](3) ,

    [col8] [char](3) ,

    col1 [char](14) ,

    [col9] [varchar](16) ,

    col2 [datetime] NOT NULL,

    col3 [float] NOT NULL,

    [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [GD_tab3_rowguid] DEFAULT (newid()),



    [col4] ASC

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    /* Indexes */

    index_22-nonclustered, unique located on PRIMARYrowguid

    IX_tab3- nonclustered located on PRIMARYcol5, col6, col7, col4

    IX_tab3_4-nonclustered located on PRIMARYcol1

    IX_tab3_5-nonclustered located on PRIMARYcol5, col6, col7, col4, col2

    IX_tab3_6-nonclustered located on PRIMARYcol5, col6, col2

    PK_tab3_7-nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY col4

    Index used "IX_tab3_4-nonclustered located on PRIMARYcol1" --in Query

    Please note that COL3 in table -tab3 does n't have any index .. I am not supposed to change the Indexes or create the new indexes .. I want to know is there anything we can do programmatically to eliminate this book mark look UP ..


  • Im confused with the numbering of the indexes. You have a Primary key on the table PK_tab3, then state another one PK_tab3_7? Is this what you meant

  • The only way to eliminate a bookmark lookup without having the requested columns in an index, would be to force the query to use the clustered index instead of a non-clustered index.

    In this case, SQL Server has determined that using a non-clustered index plus a bookmark lookup would be more efficient than that. So, you could do it, but it would almost certainly be less efficient and slower.

    The right way to eliminate a bookmark lookup is to set up the right non-clustered indexes that cover the columns you're querying.

    There is no programmatic means of eliminating a bookmark lookup other than those two methods. Either cover the query with an index, or force the query to not use anything but the clustered index.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • PK_tab3_7-nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY col4

    is typing mistake -

    PK_tab3-nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY col4 is correct one ...

  • Hi GSquared ,

    can you please tell How can i use Forcing index ...

    some example please


  • John Paul-702936 (11/13/2009)

    can you please tell How can i use Forcing index ...

    Look up table hints in SQL's Books Online.

    Sure you want to do that? Are you 100% certain that you know better than the query optimiser what's the best way to run the query?

    If you do, test both the original and the hinted to make sure that the hinted query really is quicker.

    Why don't you want to change the indexes?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I wonder why you focus on not having that bookmark lookup - there might be other ways to help performance, too...


    What is the reason to do a sum aggregation over a column with CHAR(14) definition?

    Maybe changing that column to INT would avoid implicit conversion, helping performance as well.

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  • why do you have two indexes with the same leading columns?

    IX_tab3- nonclustered located on PRIMARY col5, col6, col7, col4

    IX_tab3_5-nonclustered located on PRIMARY col5, col6, col7, col4, col2

    Surely the first one is redundant?

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