Is there any way to generate excel files by using T-SQL?

  • Is there a function that generate excel files such as foxpro's?

  • No there isn't.

    afaik there is no immediate way to generate 'real' excelfiles from T-SQL. There is a sort of workaround where you (using xp_cmdshell) when naming the output file use a .xls suffix. If I remember correctly, it does need some 'tweaking' when opened in Excel for the first time though.. (such as 'save as' in order to make it a 'true' Excelfile, and possibly something else, can't remember for sure.


  • can very well create a csv format using...

    bulk copy....."bcp exec spname parameters queryout filename -t -r\n -c -slocalhost -U(username) -P(password)"

    the username and password shd b provided without braces..

    and the above command runs from command prompt....

    thatz it..

    hope that helps...



  • If the users of the file will always be "in-house", consider creating a spreadsheet that get's it's data from a stored procedure using a pass through query in External Data.

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  • The quickest way is in query analyzer set the output to text and then hit CTRL - A (to select all) - CTRL C.  Next open Excel and paste into Excel.

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