Is there a way

  • Is there a way to just get the rows that pretain to lets say james?

    strSQL = "SELECT Server, Port, Database_name, ticket, Address " _

      & "FROM SearchDB, db_tlog_maint_plan, INFO " _

      & "WHERE SearchDB.Fname = db_tlog_maint_plan.Fname and SearchDB_Fname = INFO.Fname " _

    I always end up with info that does not pretain to james because th info is in the same columns. Any and all info may help. Thanks!


    The query is coming from a submit form, so the name can not be set in the actual select statment becaus it will be what ever the person types as the name. Thanks!

  • Uhm, not quite sure what you are looking for, but maybe something like this?

    strSQL = "SELECT Server, Port, Database_name, ticket, Address " _

    & "FROM SearchDB INNER JOIN db_tlog_maint_plan ON SearchDB.Fname = db_tlog_maint_plan.Fname " _

    & "INNER JOIN INFO ON SearchDB.Fname = INFO.Fname " _

    & "WHERE SearchDB.Fname = '" & strFnameInput & "'"

    Now, strFnameInput would be a variable that contains the text the user entered in the form. Do not forget to validate the input data, at least do strFnameInput = Replace(strFnameInput, "'", "''")

  • Thanks Chris I am trying to get that to work. I keep geting ambiguous errors

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

    Ambiguous column name 'Date'.

    /searchDB2.asp, line 78

    I am using a web page with a search function to loacate data from multiple tables and columns and row. The search I that I posted ends up pulling the correct content from the first table and the returns all the rows from the othere two tables when it should be returning just the rows that pertain to the search. So if I where to look for james I will get just the info that pertains to james from the first table but then the othere tables will display all the content not just info that pertains to james. This is an ASP form if that sheds any light on this.

    Any input may be helpful Thanks!

  • This error message tells you that somewhere in the query you are referring to a column called Date, but more than one of the tables that are used in the query have a column called Date. SQL Server can therefore not be sure which of those tables to take the column Date from. You should therefore prefix the column name to tell it which table to use. Like this:

    SELECT TableA.SomeColumn, TableB.SomeColumn FROM TableA, TableB

    To reduce the amount of characters in the code you can use aliases for tables, like so:

    SELECT a.SomeColumn, b.SomeColumn FROM TableA AS a, TableB AS b

    Regarding the non-filtering queries: ASP or whichever client does not really make any difference here. You need to write a query that filters the results using a WHERE clause such as the one I did above. I could help you if you supply the DDL (the definition of the tables involved), some sample data and the expected results for that data.

    I would really suggest though that you get a hold of some basic book on SQL, since these queries are about the most basic ones there is.

  • Thanks Chris point taken, I dont do much coding but I am going to look into a book on it to make things a little easyer. Thanks again!

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