Is there a table or stored procedure that returns the maintenance plan details?

  • Is there a table that holds/a stored procedure that returns the maintenance plan details. I want to retrieve this information and plot in some form of calendar to determine if the maintenance plans can be re-scheduled to avoid heavy use periods.

  • The definition of the maintenance plans are stored in the system database msdb. Take a look at the sysdbmaintplan* tables. I assume you can also use SQL-DMO for it, but I have never tried it. If it is possible it is probably a better alternative.

  • Thanks Chris,

    Gives all the details I needed from the plan running point of view.

    Also found an excellent query at

    which outputs the plan schedule.

  • Great, and nice of you to reply with the url for the query so others with the same issues are helped.

  • You might also check out SQL Sentry at for managing your plans.

  • That's good for Maint plans, but what about all the other SQL jobs ?   I have a procedure to write ALL jobs to a table, then I can run a script to see if/when any of them overlap.  This was useful to see what jobs are conflicting with each other, such as jobs running during backups, or poorly scheduled jobs running concurrently when they should be in series.   (I think I stole part of this code from somewhere, but I don't remember where ... sorry)

    This code is for 1 server. ( Multiple servers: We have jobs on server 2 that can't run until jobs on server 1 complete. For multiple servers, I populate a JobAnalysis table on each server, then DTS them to 1 location, and run a variation of the overlapping code against them all.)

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JobAnalysis] (

     [JobName] [varchar] (55) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NULL ,

     [RunDate] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [StartTime] [varchar] (8) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NULL ,

     [RunDuration] [varchar] (8) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NULL ,

     [StartDateTime] [datetime] NULL ,

     [run_time] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [run_duration] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [EndDateTime] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    --  Populate the table JobAnalysis

    truncate table JobAnalysis

    declare @forDate_begin datetime,

     @forDate_end   datetime,

            @forDate_begin_char  char(8),

            @forDate_end_char  char(8)

    if @forDate_begin IS NULL


     SET @forDate_begin = dateadd(day, -1, GETDATE())

            SET @forDate_end = GETDATE()


    SET @forDate_begin_char = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),@forDate_begin,120),'-','')

    SET @forDate_end_char = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),@forDate_end,120),'-','')

    insert into JobAnalysis

    select /*distinct*/ rtrim(convert(varchar(55),b.[name])) as JobName,

           a.run_date                                    as RunDate,


     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 2,5) = '     '  THEN '00:00:00'

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 4,3) = '   ' THEN  -- when pos 4,5,6 are blank

            left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':0'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),1,1) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),2,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 5,2) = '  ' and substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 4,1) <> ' ' THEN -- when pos 5,6 are blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),1,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),3,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 6,1) = ' ' and substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 5,1) <> ' '  THEN -- when pos 6 is blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),2,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),4,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 6,1) <> ' ' THEN -- when none are blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),3,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),5,2)

    end as StartTime,

           substring(replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_duration)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_duration)), ' ', '0'),1,2) + ':' +

           substring(replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_duration)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_duration)), ' ', '0'),3,2) + ':' +

           substring(replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_duration)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_duration)), ' ', '0'),5,2)

                                                         as RunDuration

    ,CONVERT(datetime, (convert(char, a.run_date)), 121) + ' ' +


     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 2,5) = '     '  THEN '00:00:00'

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 4,3) = '   ' THEN  -- when pos 4,5,6 are blank

            left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':0'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),1,1) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),2,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 5,2) = '  ' and substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 4,1) <> ' ' THEN -- when pos 5,6 are blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),1,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),3,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 6,1) = ' ' and substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 5,1) <> ' '  THEN -- when pos 6 is blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),2,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),4,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 6,1) <> ' ' THEN -- when none are blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),3,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),5,2)


    as StartDateTime



    ,CONVERT(datetime, (convert(char, a.run_date)), 121) + ' ' +


     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 2,5) = '     '  THEN '00:00:00'

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 4,3) = '   ' THEN  -- when pos 4,5,6 are blank

            left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':0'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),1,1) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),2,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 5,2) = '  ' and substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 4,1) <> ' ' THEN -- when pos 5,6 are blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),1,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),3,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 6,1) = ' ' and substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 5,1) <> ' '  THEN -- when pos 6 is blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),2,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),4,2)

     WHEN substring(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time), 6,1) <> ' ' THEN -- when none are blank

     left(convert(varchar(8),replace(convert(char(6),SPACE(6 - len(convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)))

                + convert(varchar(6),a.run_time)), ' ', '0')),2) + ':'

                + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),3,2) + ':'

         + substring(convert(varchar(8),a.run_time),5,2)


    as EndDateTime

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory a join msdb.dbo.sysjobs b on a.job_id =  b.job_id

    where (/*step_name = '(Job outcome)' or*/ step_id = 0) and run_date between @forDate_begin_char and @forDate_end_char

    order by RunDate, StartTime,  RunDuration desc

    -- Now Update the END DATE based on START DATE plus DURATION

    update JobAnalysis

    set EndDateTime = DATEADD(mi, datepart(mi,runduration), EndDateTime)

    update JobAnalysis

    set EndDateTime = DATEADD(ss, datepart(ss,runduration), EndDateTime)

    update JobAnalysis

    set EndDateTime = DATEADD(hh, datepart(hh,runduration), EndDateTime)


    -- Now Insert non-SQL backup data (eg. Veritas), which already has Start & EndDate

    insert into JobAnalysis

    SELECT     ('Backup' + ' '+ a.database_name), '','','',a.backup_start_date/*as StartDateTime*/,'','', a.backup_finish_date /*as EndDateTime*/

    FROM         msdb.dbo.backupset a

    join  msdb.dbo.backupset b on a.server_name = b.server_name and a.database_name = b.database_name

    WHERE     a.type = 'D'  and b.type = 'D'         AND a.backup_start_date >= dateadd(day, -1, GETDATE())

    and a.user_name <> 'TAUNTON\SVC_SQL'  -- Omit SQL Agent backups with specific user

    group by a.server_name, a.database_name,  a.backup_start_date, a.backup_finish_date, a.backup_size, a.user_name

    order by  a.backup_start_date desc, a.server_name, a.database_name


    -- Now, Find overlapping jobs

    Select  a.JobName as 'Job 1 Name',

     a.StartDateTime as 'Job 1 Start',

     DATENAME(weekday, a.StartDateTime)    AS 'Day' ,

     a.EndDateTime as 'Job 1 End',  

     DATENAME(weekday, a.EndDateTime) AS 'Day' ,

     b.JobName as 'Job 2 Name',

     b.StartDateTime as 'Job 2 Start',

     DATENAME(weekday, b.StartDateTime) AS 'Day' ,

     b.EndDateTime  as 'Job 2 End',

     DATENAME(weekday, b.EndDateTime) AS 'Day'

    from JobAnalysis a

    join JobAnalysis b on a.jobname <> b.jobname

    where a.StartDateTime >= b.StartDateTime and a.StartDateTime <= b.EndDateTime

    -- omit trans log backups, because they run so frequently, they overlap everything.

    and a.JobName not in  ('Backup - AdvDbPrd Daily Trans Log Backup', 'Backup - Lawson PROD Daily Transaction Log')

    and b.JobName not in  ('Backup - AdvDbPrd Daily Trans Log Backup', 'Backup - Lawson PROD Daily Transaction Log')

    Now I just have to figure out how to display it in a nice GUI  !!

  • Thank you HomeBrew01.

    I have been needing something like that for awhile but haven't had the time to put it together. 


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