Is there a READONLY setting for SQL 2008 R2 SQL Agent Job monitor?

  • Is there a role or permission that can be assigned to a user to have READONLY access to the SQL 2008 R2 SQL Agent monitor -- but not the ability to edit the jobs?

    We need to provide this access to an operational team enabling them to monitor their SQL jobs w/out having to rely on DBA's.

  • As far as I am aware only Sysadmins have permission to view the SQL Agent monitor. One alternative is to provide access through a custom coded dashboard that runs queries against msdb table sysjobs, sysjonsteps etc etc.

    The dashboard would require a connection string using an account that was a member of the db_datareader role in the msdb database.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • you can look at the SQLAgentReaderRole. this might be the solution you are looking for. check out the msdn article at the link

    use msdb

    EXECUTE sp_addrolemember 'SQLAgentReaderRole', 'username'



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  • thanks .. omitted a 'specific' in our original question here... Need permisison to view SQL Server Agent "Job Activity Monitor".

    I added the user's Windows Login to both MASTER and MSDB database role: SQLAgentReaderRole.

    User was then able to see SQL Server Agent and all the jobs BUT he cannot see the JOB ACTIVITY MONITOR. He receives error:

    Cannot show requested dialog. Addtional Information: Unable to execute requested command. jobs (SqlManagerUI)

    User is using SQL 2008 R2 Developer edition SSMS..

  • grant them view server state, also sqlagentreaderrole should be enough.


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