Is SMTP services or IIS is mandatory for Database mail?

  • When I've had errors like this, it was usually due to Exchange security policies designed to prevent servers from being hijacked for sending spam. If you use Microsoft Exchange, try working with your Exchange administrator to make sure both the security policies in Exchange and settings you're using in DBMail configuiration will allow DBmail to work.

  • MyDoggieJessie (3/13/2014)

    selvakumar.sms (3/13/2014)

    I tried various possibilities,no luck...

    here my small doubt i need IIS service in Server or i need to enable SMTP service in server ?

    IIS and SMTP services are not available in server.

    Or i need to enable any other service in server ?


    IIS - No, SMTP - Yes

    IIS - No, SMTP - No

    You do not need to add or enable new services.

  • Ouch, very sorry about that, Ville-Pekka Vahteala is correct, these service do NOT need to be enabled.

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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