is possible get datafile objectname from an filemon offset?

  • Hello,

    we are using filemon to detect high datafile io usage and its ok but, anybody knows if is there a way to link filemon offset to an specif tabla(or index)?

    I spool a sample of filemon info:

    14:33:26sqlservr.exe:968READ T:\Data\datos1.mdfOffset: 4344578048 Length: 65536

    14:33:26sqlservr.exe:968READ T:\Data\datos1.mdfOffset: 4345692160 Length: 65536

    14:33:26sqlservr.exe:968READ T:\Data\datos1.mdfOffset: 4352114688 Length: 65536

    14:33:26sqlservr.exe:968READ T:\Data\datos1.mdfOffset: 4352835584 Length: 65536

    Thanks in advance.

  • I've tested this way (please confirm this could be ok):

    1º get pageid from filemon offset

    divide filemon offset by 8192 (page size)=739648 (in ex.)

    2º Get object id from pageid

    dbcc page (12, 3,739648) with tableresults

    get m_objId =415496709(in example)

    3º get objectname from objectid

    select object_name(415496709)


    May be correct?

  • I had to try this, looked very interesting.

    It worked for me. The only thing that was a bit different that what you mentioned was the output of DBCC PAGE. I saw [Metadata: ObjectId], which was correct object Id that was modified during the test.

    m_objId (AllocUnitId.idObj) = 486

    Metadata: ObjectId = 260195977

  • Hello,

    thanx for your response. I cant see "metadata objectid" value on my dbcc page execution, maybe for the version (I'm testing on sql 2000).

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi - I had already started an article on how to use process monitor to gather data then run a script to get the name of the table / index that is being hit. If anyone wants a copy of the scripts then let me know, but I will hurry up and finish the article!

    In sql 2000 it will be just ObjectID (or objid)


  • yes i am interested.

  • please add me to the 'interested luist' as well 😀

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • ok well it is fairly easy, create a new db with this table:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Iops](

    [Sequence] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Time of Day] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Process Name] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [PID] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Operation] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Path] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Result] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Detail] [nvarchar](4000) NULL,

    [Offset] [int] NULL,

    [Length] [int] NULL,

    [name] [varchar](max) NULL --If you are not going to run the second script you don't need this.

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    import the data from procmon into the table, then do:

    UPDATE iops

    SET Offset = CAST( REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Detail, CHARINDEX(':', Detail) +1, CHARINDEX('Length', Detail) - CHARINDEX(':', Detail)-1), ',', '') AS INT),

    Length = CAST( REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Detail, CHARINDEX('Length:', Detail) +8, CHARINDEX('I/O', Detail) - CHARINDEX('Length:', Detail) -8), ',', '') AS INT)

    and then finally (this will only work on the same instance as the data was captured from)

    DECLARE @sqlcode TABLE( sequence int, sql VARCHAR(MAX), dbname VARCHAR(MAX))

    INSERT INTO @sqlcode

    SELECT sequence, 'DBCC PAGE(' + CAST(dbid AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ',' + CAST(fileid AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ',' + CAST((offset/8192) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ', 0) WITH TABLERESULTS', DB_NAME(dbid) FROM iops iop JOIN sys.sysaltfiles saf ON iop.Path = saf.filename

    DECLARE @iCur INT, @iMax INT

    SELECT @iCur = MIN(sequence), @iMax = MAX(sequence) FROM @sqlcode


    WHILE @iCur <= @iMax


    TRUNCATE TABLE #pageOutput

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX), @sequence INT, @dbname VARCHAR(MAX), @ObjectId INT, @IndId INT

    SELECT @sql = sql, @sequence = sequence, @dbname = dbname FROM @sqlcode WHERE sequence = @iCur

    INSERT INTO #pageOutput

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    SELECT @ObjectId = Value FROM #pageOutput WHERE FileId = 'Metadata: ObjectId'

    SELECT @IndId = Value FROM #pageOutput WHERE fileId = 'Metadata: IndexId'

    DECLARE @sqlupdate nVARCHAR(MAX)

    select @sqlupdate = 'UPDATE iops SET NAME = ''' + @dbname + '.'' + ' + '(SELECT so.NAME + ''.'' + COALESCE(si.NAME, ''' + CAST(@IndId AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ' (id)'') FROM ' + @dbname + '.sys.sysindexes si JOIN ' + @dbname + '.sys.sysobjects so ON = WHERE = ' + CAST(@ObjectId AS varchar(MAX)) + ' AND si.indid = ' + cast(@IndId as varchar(max)) + ') where sequence =' + CAST(@sequence AS VARCHAR(MAX))

    EXEC sp_executesql @sqlupdate

    SET @iCur = @iCur + 1


    SELECT * FROM iops

    DROP TABLE #pageOutput

    Note this is meant to work with process monitor output, filemon output is slightly different so you would need to modify the update to get offset and length.

  • thanks a lot!

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