Is Optimizer bypassing Use of Indexes for this Dynamic SQL proc

  • This PROC is performing very poorly.  I double checked - and all predicated columns are indexed.  Is it possible that the dnamically rendered WHERE clause is disabling SQL's optimizer from utilizing the indexes here?

    CREATE  PROCEDURE [dbo].[Manual_AdminApplicationSearch_v2]

        @limit int = 20,

        @StatusID int ,

        @AuditStatusID int =NULL,

        @FromSubmitDate datetime = NULL,

        @ToSubmitDate datetime = NULL



    DECLARE @Where nvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @SQLResults nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @SQLCount nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(1000)


       * We're going to pass in these parameters


       SET @ParmDefinition = N'@StatusID int, @AuditStatusID int =NULL,  @FromSubmitDate datetime = NULL, @ToSubmitDate datetime = NULL'


       * Go ahead and build out the WHERE clause. We have several optional parameter

       * we have to deal with.


       SET @Where = ''

       -- First optional parameter: audit status

       IF NOT @AuditStatusID IS NULL


          SET @Where = ' AND application.AuditStatusID = @AuditStatusID'


       -- Optional date filters

       IF NOT @FromSubmitDate IS NULL


          SET SET @Where = @Where +  ' AND application.DateSubmitted > @FromSubmitDate'


       -- Optional date ... end this time

       IF NOT @ToSubmitDate IS NULL


          SET SET @Where = @Where + ' AND application.DateSubmitted <= @ToSubmitDate'


       -- COUNT statement.

       SET @SQLCount =

       'SELECT Count(*) As TotalCount FROM   

     dbo.CW_Applications application

      INNER JOIN dbo.Persons person ON person.ID = application.PersonID



      application.StatusID = @StatusID ' + @Where

       -- Actual SQL statement

       SET @SQLResults =

        'SELECT TOP ' + cast(@limit as nvarchar(10)) + '

      person.ID AS PersonID,




      application.ID AS ApplicationID,

      application.StatusID AS ApplicationStatusID,











      dbo.CW_Applications application

       INNER JOIN dbo.Persons person ON person.ID = application.PersonID

       LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Addresses address ON person.PrefMailAID = address.ID


      application.StatusID = @StatusID ' + @Where

       -- The caller first wants the total number of records

       EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @SQLCount, @ParmDefinition, @StatusID, @AuditStatusID, @FromSubmitDate, @ToSubmitDate


       -- Then the actual records. This is generally the PageSize x TotalPages. The

       -- calling app will ignore the first pages.

       EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @SQLResults, @ParmDefinition, @StatusID, @AuditStatusID, @FromSubmitDate, @ToSubmitDate


  • Try the Select without the sp_execute with all parameters and check the performance. Isolate the problem further by trying it locally on the server and from the client to rule out NW bottlenecks. Check the execution plan for Table Scans or implicit conversions, outdated statistics, etc.

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