is not a recognized OPTIMIZER LOCK HINTS option

  • Hello,

    I have a UDF Table :

    Create Function getData(@id uniqueidentifier)

    returns @retResults TABLE (of_id uniqueidentifier PRIMARY KEY, Value decimal(15,5))



    declare @val decimal(15,5)

    set @val=(select fieldA from table1 where tabel_id=@id)

    INSERT @retResults

    SELECT @id, @ValRETURN



    This function as you see returns only one line.

    then i have a procedure where i try to do a select like this:

    select a.table_id, b.Value

    from tableA a

    join  getData(a.table_id) b where a.table_id=b.of_id


    I get an error:

    'table_id' is not a recognized OPTIMIZER LOCK HINTS option.


    using SQL SERVER 2000


    This code is a sample. It's not the one i'm using...

    Any ideas?



  • Try to qualify your function with the owner, like this:

    select a.table_id, b.Value

    from tableA a

    join dbo.getData(a.table_id) b where a.table_id=b.of_id

    otherwhise the parser thinks getData is a table and (a.table_id) an optimizer hint.


  • Hi,

    i have try it but that is not the problem...

    I try to get the results to a temp teble and then do the join with that temp table.

    It takes to long and i get deadlock after 5 minutes...


  • Why would you put everything in a temp table first and join that again afterwards? Everything record in your temporary table will have to be written to the tempdb (wether it is a qualifying record in the final result set or not). Then joining with the temp table will be joins without statistics, without indexes, etc...

    I would suggest joining the tables directly without temp table.


  • Hi,

    I am facing the same problem here. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    Thank You,




  • > Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

    Upgrade to SQL Server 2005 and join the table-valued function using CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY.

    You must pass a constant (or constant expression) to a table-valued function used in a FROM clause in SQL Server 2000.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Create Function getData(@id uniqueidentifier)

    returns @retResults TABLE (of_id uniqueidentifier, Value decimal(15,5))



    INSERT @retResults

    (of_id, Value)

    SELECT @id, fieldA

    from table1

    where tabel_id = @id



    I'm not sure why you need to pass original @id back to where it came from. Jusy to keep network occupied?

    And if tabel_id is a PK in table1 then you gonna return single value all the time. That's a reason to make the function scalar:

    Create Function getData(@id uniqueidentifier)

    returns @Value decimal(15,5)



    SELECT @Value = fieldA

    from table1

    where tabel_id = @id



    If you change it to scalar your problem must been gone. Your problem is not in finction but in the way you are trying to use it.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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