Is log shipping suits for this scenario

  • Hi,

    Note:I got some application error while posting this thread. So the administrator can delete the other 2 same threads.

    Our management wants to find out the sloution for the below scenario.

    We have 2 locations. In one location, we have 4 application servers(2 IIS and 2 Web Servers) and active passive clustered sql server 2005.Now they wants whole environment should exist on secondary location and that should survive the Business in case the location 1 has completely destroyed by fire/hurricane


    IIS server1

    IIS server2

    Web server1

    web server2

    SQL1(active node)

    SQL2(passive node)

    virtual server name: SQLVS

    all servers in

    Location2:(we can not have same server names at location 2 so we build the below servers in location2)

    IIS server3

    IIS server4

    Web server3

    web server4

    Sql server: SQL3

    Instance name: Ins1

    virtual server name: SQLVS

    all servers in

    Now for the database part, we can use log shipping the database to location2. But how application changes will be applied to location2? How failover and role switch works for this scenario?

    For this scenarion Is log shipping good solution? or something else to consider?

    I appreciate your inputs..


  • How critical your setup is? What application are you using?

    AFAIK logshipping is not a good solution here. Go for mirroring where application would connect to the new principal server if failover happens. You have to manually make the secondary up in case of log shipping and then application also would have headache because of this.

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  • Were you saying we can failover to the secondary location2 sql server and point the applications from location 1 to location2 servers?

    In our scenario, if the location1 is completly in acceessible(completely vanished), then only Location2 comes into picture to survive the business.

    So for that we are configuring the same application setup over location2 and want to use log shipping for databases...we do not have strong network to implement Mirroring?

  • Logshipping is a good solution for your scenario even though there are few manual tasks to be taken care of to make the secondary server active. Once you make the standby server active, you will have to point the application to the new server names. But that should not take much time as logshipping will provide minimal data loss. Db mirroring will not suit here as it takes care of only one DB at a time & also few other disadvantages

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