Is it possible to update database(SQL SERVER) with html contents from remote website

  • Hi ..

    I have a problem in updating my table with data which are picked from remote website. I want to know is it possible to get HTML contents from a remote website and update my table dynamically using sql programming?

    Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated ...

    Thank you


  • this is definatley possible.

    if you are using ASP pages on your web site then it's just a case of creating an ADO connector and command and then passing the SQL statement to the ADO command.

    in your page you should have something like the following. (although it may need a little bit of debugging... i was doing it from the top of my head)

    hope this helps?


  • Hi Mike ..

    ThanX for u r reply

    well my problem is ... I need a scheduler which automatically updates tables picking data from remote html page. Is it possible using sql scripts!!???

  • No definently will be a job for DTS or a cutom application to read the contents of the remote page.

  • antares is right.

    what happens if more than one person have the page open, do they all process the data?

    how about using the page to append to a Holding table and then using a dts or Stored procedure called from a job to process the holding table??

    sorry about the script not coming through on the original post. i put in HTML Script markers to show how it would go in, looks like the page interreted my post as aspand didn't display it.



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