Is it possible to create a temp table with dynamic columns?

  • Why not simply

    select * from JobLines where StartDate >= @StartDate

    and then let the client display it on the above form?

  • Well, that is one way to do it.

    But, I was hoping that this can be done in stored procedure.

  • Try this

    DECLARE @Mode varchar(10), @StartDate char(8), @sql varchar(4000)

    SET @Mode = 'Weekly'

    SET @StartDate = '20050804'

    SET @sql = '

    DECLARE @StartDate datetime SET @StartDate='''+@startdate+''' SELECT DISTINCT 1,l.ResourceDesc,l.ResourceDesc AS [Desc]'

    SELECT @sql = @sql + ','''' AS [' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char(6),@startdate,113),' ','-') + ']'

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values n WHERE n.type='P' AND n.number between 0 AND 6

    SET @sql = @sql + '

    FROM [JobLines] l

    INNER JOIN master.dbo.spt_values n ON n.type=''P'' AND n.number between 0 AND 6

    AND @StartDate+n.number BETWEEN l.StartDate AND l.EndDate


    SELECT 2,l.ResourceDesc,l.JobNo,

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=0 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END),

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=1 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END),

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=2 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END),

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=3 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END),

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=4 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END),

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=5 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END),

    MAX(CASE WHEN n.number=6 THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END)

    FROM [JobLines] l

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT n2.number FROM master.dbo.spt_values n2 WHERE n2.type=''P'' AND n2.number between 0 AND 6) n

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [JobHeader] h ON h.JobNo = l.JobNo AND @StartDate+n.number BETWEEN l.StartDate AND l.EndDate

    GROUP BY l.ResourceDesc,l.JobNo

    HAVING COUNT(h.Status)>0

    ORDER BY 2,1,3'


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Of course you can create the temp table and then run ALTER TABLE statements against it to add columns dynamically.  This won't work with table variables though.

  • David,

    Thanks so much! I hope I am not asking for too much by asking you to point me in the right direction if I wanna do a Monthly and Quarterly view.

    If I were to modify that script you wrote, how can I determine if that Month has 28/29/30/31 days? or when it comes to Quarterly view, how best can I re-write this script?

    Thank you once again!

  • Monthly below and does 1 month from the start date.

    Depending on what Quarterly means you could revise this accordingly

    DECLARE @NoofDays int, @StartDate char(8), @sql varchar(4000)

    SET @StartDate = '20050801'

    SET @NoofDays = DATEDIFF(day,@StartDate,DATEADD(month,1,@StartDate)) - 1

    SET @sql = '

    DECLARE @StartDate datetime SET @StartDate='''+@startdate+'''

    SELECT DISTINCT 1,l.ResourceDesc,l.ResourceDesc AS [Desc]'

    SELECT @sql = @sql + ','''' AS [' + REPLACE(CONVERT(char(6),CAST(@startdate as datetime)+n.number,113),' ','-') + ']'

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values n WHERE n.type='P' AND n.number between 0 AND @NoofDays

    SET @sql = @sql + ' FROM [JobLines] l

    INNER JOIN master.dbo.spt_values n ON n.type=''P'' AND n.number between 0 AND '+CAST(@NoofDays as varchar)+'

    AND @StartDate+n.number BETWEEN l.StartDate AND l.EndDate


    SELECT 2,l.ResourceDesc,l.JobNo'

    SELECT @sql = @sql + ',MAX(CASE WHEN n.number='+CAST(n.number as varchar)+' THEN h.Status ELSE NULL END)'

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values n WHERE n.type='P' AND n.number BETWEEN 0 AND @NoofDays

    SET @sql = @sql + ' FROM [JobLines] l

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT n2.number FROM master.dbo.spt_values n2 WHERE n2.type=''P'' AND n2.number BETWEEN 0 AND '+CAST(@NoofDays as varchar)+') n

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [JobHeader] h ON h.JobNo = l.JobNo AND @StartDate+n.number BETWEEN l.StartDate AND l.EndDate

    GROUP BY l.ResourceDesc,l.JobNo

    HAVING COUNT(h.Status)>0

    ORDER BY 2,1,3'

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks, David! You are a life-saver!

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