Is it possible to create a parameter and use different datasets?

  • Hello,

    I have an SSRS report, version 2019,  that has two parameters, which will call for three different datasets.

    1.  Parameter:  Continent >  3 values (Label)  = ASIA, EUROPE, SOUTH_AMERICA

      Parameter: Country -> cascading from the first parameter. Values are generated from the following datasets.

    2. Datasets  - DS_Asia;  Fields:  Continent, Country;  DS_Europe: Fields: Continent, Country; DS_South_America: Fields: Continent, Country

      Sample values for DS_Europe ->  EUROPE, Germany; EUROPE, France... etc.


    1. When selecting a drop-down from the parameter, (Continent), the values will be pointed to a specific dataset.  For example, if the parameter drop down is EUROPE, the value shown in the country box or field will be European countries from the DS_Europe dataset.

    2. Unfortunately, there are no DB links between the datasets to combine them into a single one. They are from different sources. We can gather the name of the countries.

    3. I am not sure whether I can use the lookup function, since there are no common fields or values on the datasets.

    4. I am not sure whether I can create a query to combine all three datasets since I can pick only one datasource on the dataset.

    5. On the Report Parameter Properties -> Available Values -> Specific Values;  (See attchment)

    Try to add the Value in the "Label" such as ASIA.  However, I am not able to write the Value Expression.  When selecting the datasets items that I wanted, i.e. DS_Europe, the values available are all aggregated, such as First or Sum.  Not sure of how to put the values in there.

    I do wonder whether it can be done in SSRS 2019.  Need some suggestions. Thanks.

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  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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