Is it possible to convert decimal format data directly to datetime without converting to nvarchar first?

  • I'm getting data from an external source that comes in with dates in decimal format.

    Sample data:

    CREATE TABLE #DatesHeldAsDecimal

    (DecimalDate DECIMAL(8,0) NULL)

    -- Insert test data

    INSERT INTO #DatesHeldAsDecimal

    (DecimalDate )



    When I try to convert the decimal data directly to datetime

    SELECT CAST(DecimalDate AS DATETIME) FROM #DatesHeldAsDecimal

    I get this error:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

    However if I convert to nvarchar (or varchar) first, the conversion works:


    CAST(CAST(DecimalDate AS nvarchar(8))AS DATETIME)

    FROM #DatesHeldAsDecimal

    The result is:

    2008-09-05 00:00:00.000

    There are a large number of rows in the table and I have to convert each time an update comes in which takes a long time each week. I suspect converting to datetime directly rather than to nvarchar first would be faster if it were possible. Solutions I've read on different forums recommend to convert to nvarchar first but don't explicitly say that direct conversion is impossible. Is it impossible?

  • Hmm upon further testing I see why its not possible to convert decimal dates with the current year in yyyymmdd format to datetime. Numbers are interpreted as 'how many days from 1st January 1901' is this number? so for example

    SELECT CAST(1 AS DateTime)

    gives result 1900-01-02 00:00:00.000

    Therefore Casting 20100814 would yield a result 20,100,814 days after 1st Jan 1901 (sometime in the year 56,971 A.D. !!!). This is out of the range of dates allowed by datetime which only allows dates up to December 31, 9999.

  • I find it unlikely that the cast to nvarchar is causing your performance problems. If you are updating a large number of rows, most of the time is probably spent reading and writing to disk.

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