Is it possible to call an SP & return result into Table variable?

  • Hi,

    My basic question is: Is it possible (inside a scalar User defined function) to execute a stored proc and get its result set into a table variable?

    Let me explain what I'm doing and hopefully it will make more sense. When I run this code (ie execute SP apBL_String_Split and put its result set into a temporary table called #table - everything works fine) :

    DECLARE @csv as varchar(8000)

    SET @csv = '1,2,3,4,5'

    CREATE TABLE #table (ids smallint Primary Key, value varchar(8000))

    INSERT #table EXEC apBL_String_Split @csv, ','

    SELECT *

    FROM #table

    SELECT value as 'third' FROM #table WHERE ids = 2

    DROP TABLE #table

    The output is this (and this is normal and expected):

    (5 row(s) affected)

    ids    value

    ------ --------------------------------

    0      1

    1      2

    2      3

    3      4

    4      5

    (5 row(s) affected)




    (1 row(s) affected)

    So far so good.

    But when I put this code in my UDF I get the error "Cannot access temporary tables from within a function."

    So I think, OK I'll use a Table variable instead of a temporary table. But how do I get the output of the SP (apBL_String_Split) into the Table variable.

    The closest code I've got is this but it doesn't compile as and gives error "EXECUTE cannot be used as a source when inserting into a table variable.".

    ALTER FUNCTION dbo.GetResultsDefinition

    (@strResultsDefn AS varchar(8000))

    RETURNS varchar(200)



     DECLARE @csv as varchar(8000)

     SET @csv = '1,2,3,4,5'


     DECLARE @table TABLE(ids smallint Primary Key, value varchar(8000))

     INSERT @table EXEC apBL_String_Split @csv, ','




    Thanks in advance for any advice,


  • Both activities a temp table in a UDF and the population of a temp table variable from and exec proc are not allowed temp (The errors say it all).  Why do you want to do this in a function?

  • If you are trying to use the UDF like a table why not use something like SELECT * FROM dbo.udf_MyTableFunction?

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Have your function return a recordset.  Then call it from within the SP.  (Don't put your table variable within the function).  I have not done this with a @Table Variable, but I have with a #Temp Table...

    -- Within Stored Procedure...

    CREATE TABLE #Table( ids smallint Primary Key, value varchar(8000))

    INSERT INTO #Table

    SELECT * FROM dbo.GetResultsDefinition( @strPassedIn)


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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