Is it possible to access the syslockinfo table in SQL 2005, once an application role has been activated?

  • I am working on software which uses application roles to allow access to the database.  The application queries master..syslockinfo.  The application works correctly in sql server 2000.  However, in sql 2005 a permission not allowed message is displayed.  Does anyone know of anyway to grant rights to an application role to allow queries against master..syslockinfo?  

    I thought about switching the code from

    select rsc_objid from master.dbo.syslockinfo


    select rsc_objid from master.sys.syslockinfo

    but I have not tried this, yet.


    I am also going to see if I can find any views which allow this information to be retrieved.

    Thanks in advance for any information.

  • Grant select on sys.dm_tran_locks to applicationrole

    --Lock handling shouldn't be written into the application.

  • I created an application role named testit.

    Then I executed:

    Grant select on sys.syslockinfo to testit

    However, I still receive the message

    "The user does not have permission to perform this action", if I execute the following statement after activating the application role:

    select rsc_dbid  from sys.syslockinfo with (nolock)

  • I understand now.  It is recommended to use sys.dm_tran_locks, instead of sys.syslockinfo.

    However, I tried granting rights to sys.dm_tran_locks and I still received the same error message. 



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