Is it possible?

  • Is it possible to return the columns as rows instead? I have the query below;

    SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN DurationofClaim = 0 THEN 1 END) AS 'LessThanOneMonth',

     COUNT(CASE WHEN DurationofClaim BETWEEN 1 AND 2 THEN 1 END) AS '1-2Months',

     COUNT(CASE WHEN DurationofClaim BETWEEN 2 AND 3 THEN 1 END) AS '2-3Months' FROM #AllData

    This returns;

    LessThanOneMonth 1-2Months   2-3Months

    270              1063        791

    I wish to retrun it as

    LessThanOneMonth      270

    1-2Months   1063

    2-3Months   791

    I know I can insert each record into a temp table again to perform the COUNT but is there a simpler way?

    Kindest Regards,

  • Columns to Rows is usually accomplished with a UNION:


    SELECT 'LessThanOneMonth' As Category, COUNT(*) As CountValue

    FROM #AllData

    WHERE DurationofClaim = 0


    SELECT '1-2Months', COUNT(*)

    FROM #AllData

    WHERE DurationofClaim = BETWEEN 1 AND 2


    SELECT '2-3Months', COUNT(*)

    FROM #AllData

    WHERE DurationofClaim = BETWEEN 2 AND 3

  • PW,

    Sensational! Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted.

    Kindest Regards,

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