Is it OK to have parts of a combined PK deriveable from a non PK element?

  • I'm having a dilema in identifying a proper modeling strategy for investment accounts.  A model that I'm proposing seems like the right solution, yet it seems to violate normal forms (parts of a combined PK can be derived from a non key element).  Can anyone provide some thoughts?  See description of problem below.

    An account has a taxtype.  Taxtypes are:


     |Code   Description                             |

     |------ ----------------------------------------|

     |0      CMAIP                                   |

     |1      CMARSP                                  |

     |2      CMARIF                                  |

     |3      Self Dir. RRSP - Other                  |

     |4      DO NOT USE; Self Dir. RRSP - MDM        |

     |5      Self Dir. RRIF - Other                  |

     |7      Strategic Alliances                     |

     |8      IPP                                     |

     |9      CMAP                                    |

     |A      National Life RRIF                      |

     |B      SDIP                                    |

     |C      SDRSP                                   |

     |D      SDRIF                                   |


    Taxtype is used in various places to determine various tax implications on how an account should be treated.

    An account has an account type.


     |Code   Description                             |

     |------ ----------------------------------------|

     |0      Individual                              |

     |1      Spousal                                 |

     |2      Joint                 - single signature|

     |3      Joint               - multiple signature|

     |4      MD Education Trust                      |

     |5      Prof Corp                               |

     |6      Locked-in                               |

     |7      Association                             |

     |8      Estate                                  |

     |9      EBP                                     |

     |A      Family Trust           - Non-recognized |

     |B      Family Trust                    - Other |

     |E      MD Registered Education Savings Plan    |

     |I      Insurance                               |


    AccountType is used in various places to determine rules for treating purchases / redemptions  (allowing or disallowing, based on the accounttype).

    An account has a statement description.  This description is derived from the account's taxtype AND accounttype.  This is the caveat: An account's taxtype is also deriveable from it's description, BUT an Account's AccountType IS NOT.


     |Tax  Acct                                                   |

     |Type Type vdesc                                             |

     |---- ---- --------------------------------------------------|

     |0    0    CMA Investment Plan                               |

     |0    1    CMA Investment Plan                               |

     |0    2    Joint CMA Investment Plan                         |

     |0    3    Joint CMA Investment Plan                         |

     |0    4    MD Family Trust                                   |

     |0    5    Professional Corp. Investment Plan                |

     |0    7    Association CMA Investment Plan                   |

     |0    8    Estate CMA Investment Plan                        |

     |0    9    Employee Benefit Investment Plan                  |

     |0    A    MD Family Trust Investment Plan                   |

     |0    B    MD Family Trust Investment Plan                   |

     |0    E    MD Registered Education Savings Plan              |

     |0    i    CMA Investment Plan                               |

     |1    0    CMARSP                                            |

     |1    1    Spousal CMARSP                                    |

     |1    6    Locked-in CMARSP                                  |


    The model I end up with is the one:

    After a long winded question, here is my dilema: In the model shown, a portion of my combined primary key can be derived from a non-key attribute (In table AccountStatementDescriptionUsage, AccountTaxTypeCode can be derived from StatementDescriptionId).  This seems to me  like something that violates normal forms. 

    Is this a good approach or not?

  • Hi Brazem,

    I want to have a look at your model and, hopefully, give you an answer to your question, but the image isn't visible. I noticed that the url for the image is file:///c:/temp/model1.jpg, which explains why I can't see it.

    the King!

    If you see a picture of Elvis, here's the way to add a picture:

    1. press the "Insert picture" button: this is what the "Insert Picture" button looks like
    2. select the picture
    3. add an alternate text, if you like
    4. press ok

    If you're seeing two small white boxes with a red cross in it, there's something we're both missing . Maybe if there's to much time between inserting the picture and hitting the "Post Reply" button?



  • Without seeing the model, this is only an initial stab.

    An account has a statement type. You don't need either tax type or account type since these can be derived from the statement type.

    You would then create a view to pick up both the tax type and the account type.

    Technically, an account doesn't have a tax type OR an account type, it DOES have a statement type. A statement DOES have a tax type and an account description. The statement type describes both how you prepare the statement and the handling of any tax returns (which impacts on the statement format).

    Hope this helps.

  • Actually, jfmccaeb is correct.  But, I would also add that you should have a structure something like this for you statement type table.


     |Statement   Tax  Acct                                                   |

     |ID          Type Type vdesc                                             |

     |---------   ---- ---- --------------------------------------------------|

     |1           0    0    CMA Investment Plan                               |

     |2           0    1    CMA Investment Plan                               |

     |3           0    2    Joint CMA Investment Plan                         |

     |4           0    3    Joint CMA Investment Plan                         |

     |5           0    4    MD Family Trust                                   |

     |6           0    5    Professional Corp. Investment Plan                |

     |7           0    7    Association CMA Investment Plan                   |

     |8           0    8    Estate CMA Investment Plan                        |

     |9           0    9    Employee Benefit Investment Plan                  |

     |10          0    A    MD Family Trust Investment Plan                   |

     |11          0    B    MD Family Trust Investment Plan                   |

     |12          0    E    MD Registered Education Savings Plan              |

     |13          0    i    CMA Investment Plan                               |

     |14          1    0    CMARSP                                            |

     |15          1    1    Spousal CMARSP                                    |

     |16          1    6    Locked-in CMARSP                                  |


    I do not recommend the use of a compound primary key for any reason.  Use unique indexes to enforce the uniqueness of business rules that a compound key really is.

  • Ok, I've made the image available to everyone. 

    Also, I've added a small note to the initial problem for jfmccaeb and stewart:  Although taxtype can be derived from a statement description, account type cannot.

    So the alternative suggested by both does not meet all requirements.


  • Same basic principle

    Middle table will have fields:

    Table - AcccountStatementUsageDescription

    And the Account table will simply have



  • I see says the blind man.  To keep the above solution normalized, I would change it slightly as follows (since TaxType can be derieved from Statementdescription):

    Table - AcccountStatementUsageDescription

    Table - Account
    Table - AccountDescription

    This is one of 2 or 3 theoretical solutions, which I always like to get to first.  Remains to be seen how this will be implemented on our current system, where AccountType and TaxType are FK attributes of our Account table, and where we have limited support for SQL (our system is barely SQL92 compliant).  But I'm cool from here!

    Thanks for your thoughts

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