Is Flag in SQL sever

  • Hi I wanna add IsEllgible flag to this table

    what data type should I use and sytax

    this is for nvarchar

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[GetPageData]

    ADD COLUMN PreviewContent [nvarchar](4000) null


    Please send me the code for Flag thing

  • Hey,

    i guess the field "IsEllgible" is supposed to conaint values for true and false. Therefore i would recommend a bit field.

    Syntax should be

    ADD COLUMN IsElligible bit null

  • moz987 (9/12/2014)


    i guess the field "IsEllgible" is supposed to conaint values for true and false. Therefore i would recommend a bit field.

    Syntax should be

    ADD COLUMN IsElligible bit null

    The above also will allowed NULL, which could be treated as UNKNOWN or else.

    If you want to restrict to True/False only, define your column as non-null eg:

    ADD COLUMN IsElligible bit not null

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  • I would suggest the NOT NULL constraint as Eugene mentioned, but I would also add a DEFAULT to it.

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