Is averaging textboxt value possible

  • Test results - Textbox header column in Table region

    Pass - Textbox value

    Fail - Textbox value

    Fail - Textbox value

    Pass - Textbox value



    I have a textbox in the report header I want to add an expression something along the line

    Count(Fields!Test.value) = Fail/Count(Fields!Test.value)=Pass

  • Do you mean you need to figure out the percentages?


    SUM(iif(Fields!Test.value="Fail", 1, 0)) / Count(Fields!Test.value)


    SUM(iif(Fields!Test.value="Pass", 1, 0)) / Count(Fields!Test.value)


    iif(SUM(iif(Fields!Test.value="Pass", 1, 0)) <> 0, SUM(iif(Fields!Test.value="Fail", 1, 0)) / SUM(iif(Fields!Test.value="Pass", 1, 0)), 0)

  • Yes, Thank you very much.

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