Is anybody knowing why formatted Excel export is not working at SQL servern using SSIS

  • I created one SSIS packeges that export some data into formatted excel file, that works fine in my locak Business studio, but same package when i put at server place it always gives error as " The command line Parameters are invalid, Please advice why everytime i am getting same error, I know there is something missing on command line parameter, Please give me good suggestion.



  • Does the location of the Excel file exist on the server? Does the user executing the package on the server have rights to the location of the Excel file?

  • SSIS Package executing by one of SQL Job everyday when i put that package on server and test it gives an error as Command line parameter are Invalid, step failed. Do you have any solution of this problem.

  • If you want help you have to provide some information. If you post the step in the Job someone might be able to help as well. Just giving a generic error post is not a lot of help, if it was you wouldn't need help.

    Did you check the things I suggested in my earlier post? When running the package as a job it runs under the SQL Server Agent account and has those privileges.

  • Jack

    The location of that file and folder is not on server side but its on common Network share drive and for the server rights we have only one user to access SSIS pakcage, and that we have to right every time Password when we are creating SSIS pakcage using Job

    but your question as

    "Does the user executing the package on the server have rights to the location of the Excel file? "

    Is it means that the folder name that i am putting excel file have same privilages of database user id have? or system admin access?



  • When running a SQL Server job the job runs using the credentials of the SQL Server Agent service. By default the SQL Server Agent Service installs using the Local System account. This account will have no permissions on the network. You would need to create a Domain account for the SQL Server Agent Service to run as, and grant that user the necessary permissions to access the network share.

  • What Jack Corbett says is true also then using bulk insert.

    But I do not understand why MS has done this by design.

    Why should the local system account be involved at all?

    There is one account, SQL-server account which also

    has authority to write on the net. This account produce the

    Excelfiles. This account can be a domain account and that

    should be enough knolwedge for SQL-server running under

    the local system account or to say it is not SQL server

    to decide where to put data just to decide what to do inside


    There is another user account which just can read the result


    The drawback with a domain account running the SQL server

    instance is that the different databases running may have

    different owners running under different acounts with authority

    to write to different catalogues on the net but the domain account

    running the SQL server must have authority to write to all of them.

    Or am I out on weak ice?


  • Microsoft made the right decision to minimize the attack surface by default, and let DBAs open known vulnerabilities through configuration rather than install misunderstood vulnerabilities by default.

    When I can't figure something out, I often learn that what I think I know was the problem. In future posts, you may get better help if you post more contextual information than you think is relevant. Since you posted only partial and inconsistent fragments of the actual error message, and none of the code that produced it, it is hard to think creatively about your problem. SSIS often logs more than one message for an error, and the previous non-error messages may also shed light on the problem. The error message as you have paraphrased it is one I have never seen, and could point to a problem other than permissions.

    In working with an SSIS package probably similar to your description, I discovered the hard way that OLEDB Excel data provider is not supported on 64bit servers. I was a Microsoft employee at the time and no one around me knew about this limitation, although it is documented. See

    I had to change the overall design to complete the project. Hope that helps.



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