I/O error on backup or restore restart-checkpoint

  • I am successfully backing up a database 'KbProduction' and then restoring it as 'KbUserTrial' on a different instance. While the install is successful I get the following error message when I restore the databse:

    I/O error on backup or restore restart-checkpoint file 'c:\knowledgebase\businesstesting\MSSQL$BUSINESSTESTING\backup\KbUserTrial.ckp'. Operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.). The statement is proceeding but is non-restartable.

    I use the following to restore the database:

    ESTORE DATABASE [KbUserTrial] FROM DISK = N'C:\temp\temp2.bak' WITH REPLACE

    And I backed up the database using the following:

    BACKUP DATABASE [KbProduction] TO DISK = N'C:\temp\temp2.bak' WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'Productionbackup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

    Path 'c:\knowledgebase\businesstesting\MSSQL$BUSINESSTESTING\backup\ no longer exists on this machine. I moved the database to a new file structure.

    I believe the problem is caused because SQL Server expects to be able to create the checkpoint file in the above directory. Is it possible to point this instance to a different directory for the checkpoint file?

  • You may have to use WITH MOVE option.

  • I tried WITH MOVE option:

    RESTORE DATABASE [KbUserTrial] FROM DISK = N'C:\temp\temp2.bak' WITH REPLACE,

    MOVE 'KB1_Data' TO 'C:\KnowledgeBase\Data\KbUserTrial.MDF',

    MOVE 'KB1_Log' TO 'C:\KnowledgeBase\Data\KbUserTrial_log.MDF'

    But still got a successful restore with the same error message in the log.

  • Stefan,

    You are right, SQL Server is looking for the BACKUP folder under 'c:\knowledgebase\businesstesting\MSSQL$BUSINESSTESTING\'.

    As far as I know, you cannot change where SQL Server will look for this file.  I think it is determined when you install SQL, but I may be wrong. 

    The only way I know to get around this problem is to create the folder BACKUP under the path SQL is looking.  If you do this and then perform your install, you will see that a file called 'KbUserTrial.ckp' will appear in that folder during the restore operation and then be deleted when the restore is succesful.

    You will also not get any of the errors in your log.

    Good luck,


  • If you'd like to fix this problem without having to create the 'missing' folder in a location that 'shouldn't' exists since you have chosen path other than the 'default' path for your backup file location... Then have a look at your registry (on both nodes if you're on a cluster):

    LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance Name>\MSSQLServer.


    There, you will find your answer in the form of a registry key called... You've all guessed it: 'BackupDirectory'


    Change the value of the BackupDirectory Key (path) to point to a valid area on your Network where the checkpoint file can be created and... Voila!!!


    Don't forget... The same operation has to be repeated on Node number 2 if you're on a cluster


    I had the same problem... It worked for me.

    Let us have your feedback...



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