Invoice Number Generation

  • Hi all.

    I have a sp that generates Invoice Numbers on records in a table. We truncate the table each time before we use it, so it's a fresh set each time it runs.

    Currently, we use a (eerie music) cursor (/eerie music) to loop through each of the records and set the invoice number to (PreviousNumber + 1).

    Two problems:

    1. It takes forever

    2. Even with SET NOCOUNT ON in the sp, it still tells me about EVERY invoice number it generates, thereby loading up my result pane with useless stuff.

    My question: I know there must be a better way to load these invoice numbers without going through the (eerie music) cursor (/eerie music). We considered modifying the table in the ap to have the InvNum column be IDENTITY([MinInvNum], 1), but that seems lame. I am open to suggestion. Anyone have a better way?

  • It would be easier if we had an idea of the structure of your tables. Cursors can often be replaced with set based operations but it's difficult to say without seeing some kind of design.



  • What you're saying makes absolutely no sense.  Is the PKey a Numeric type right now and you're just trying to figure out the next number?  Or are you running some maintenance on this Table to update the Primary Keys?  It makes no sense to me why you'd ever want to change a Primary key!

    If you're just trying to get the next InvoiceNo:  Select Max(InvoiceNo) + 1 As NewInvoiceNo From Invoices.

    Umm, how about this...

    1.)  Make your InvoiceNo a Concatenation of [CustNo] + [Date] + [SeqNo]

    Ex:  CUST01-01012004-01 OR CUST0101012004

    If your sure that only one Invoice per customer will be generated in one day, then only use [CustNo] + [Date]

    2.)  Use a Compound Primary Key which would be using 2 Columns in your Table:  [CustNo], [InvoiceDate].  Basically, create these Fields (if they're not there now, bad design ) and then make them both the Primary Key.

  • Try this - create a temporary table with an identity on it and a column for the primary key column of your invoices table.  Select all the invoices into it.  Then update the invoice numbers to the value of the identity column.

    Create Table #temp(NewInvoiceNumber Int Identity, PK int)


    Insert into #temp(PK) Select ID from Invoice


    Update Invoice Set InvoiceInvoiceNumber =  NewInvoiceNumber

    from #temp inner join Invoice on Invoice.ID =


    That should be very fast. 


    --jim craddock

  • Why you don't want to use identity column to generate your invoice number? It seems to be more efficient to let the system handle the number generation. You can always use


    to reseed your invoice number after you truncate your table.




    -- Without knowing your structure,

    -- I see a potential problem which

    -- comes from poor design, early on

    -- in when the system is running fine

    -- under test sets of data (small).

    -- Then starts failing once the system

    -- is in production.

    -- Number one problem is NOT using

    -- transactional updates, Secondly a

    -- transactional update being used

    -- for the whole file (slow), and

    -- crashes the system, once the data

    -- file is large enough.

    -- Update your SP:

    -- using an UPDATE CURSOR

    -- with

    DECLARE @MAX integer,

    @CNT integer

    SELECT @MAX=2000,



    -- prior to

    OPEN <cursor>

    FETCH <cursor>

      IF (@CNT >= @MAX)




        SELECT @CNT=0


      SELECT @CNT=@CNT+1


    -- after



    Coach James

  • Thanks everyone for your input! We are using these suggestions to streamline the code.


    Normalisation is a structure thing, not a data thing.

    The use of cursors is bad practice and they should be avoided wherever possible.

    An operation that wraps a series of updates in a single transaction will be faster than a series of updates as the implicit transaction will be replaced.





    -- Your code should read like it runs,

    -- normalize your data or not, and make

    -- someone else’s job whole lot bigger!

    /* You must have the luxury of working

    a relatively small database or working

    with enormous memory on hardware???

    Take into consideration your maximum

    blocking factor when setting up your

    blocks of commits. This is calculated

    based on total memory in handling

    (total records * record-size) per each single commit! Maybe 100,000 rows each


    When you overrun your operating system

     with a single large commit:                    

    1. FIRST you load-up on memory usage

    2. SECONDLY the system writes it to disk

    3. THIRDLY your system 'TRASHES'

    This means it turns into a dishwasher,

    accomplishing nothing but reading & writing

    between memory and register functions

    (going from disk into memory & back to disk)

    But your right, while your operating system

    can handle lots of single large commits,   

    let your predecessors deal with blocking   

    when it's needed, and everyone says it     

    ran for months without a problem. They say 

    Now it's so slow, it even brings down the  

    system occasionally?                                               

    "Ten ways to make good with your boss!"

    1. "Work endless hours for very little pay.

    2. "Make sure you arrive first and go home last.

    3. "Do all the work, no one else wants too.

    4. "Never complain, offer suggestions, or talk.

    5. "Always complete your work before others.

    6. "Always compliment your boss's suggestions.

    7. "Always agree with what your boss tells you!

    8. "Bring your boss a hot lunch every day.

    9. "Meet your boss in the morning with open door.

    10. "Have your boss's coat ready when he leaves.

    Now for reals, lets impress our boss with years of hard work, good programming technics, readable code.

    And offer suggestions which are backed by the many, in saving both his and your career!!


    Coach James

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