Inventory trail help

  • Sql Gurus,

    I have an Inventory trail table where I am going to capture all orders and sales and log/track them here

    with latest QOH value.

    step 1 - There will be batch process running everynight that will pickup all orders/sales came in that day

    step 2 - Take the last qoh from the Inventory_Trail for each product that matches products in order/sale that came in step 1 and add a new entry to Inventory_Trail with newly calculated Qoh.

    Is there best way to do this without using cursor or looping through?

    I have put in sample table and sample table for creating a query

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test](

    [INTR_ProdID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [INTR_QuantityOnHand] [decimal](8, 2) NOT NULL,

    [INTR_QuantityAvailable] [decimal](8, 2) NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranTypeIDValue] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranTypeQty] [int] NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranTypeDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sale_test](

    [saleid] [int] NOT NULL,

    [qty] [int] NULL,

    [saledt] [datetime] NULL,

    [prodid] [int] NULL


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Order_test](

    [orderid] [int] NOT NULL,

    [qty] [int] NULL,

    [orderdt] [datetime] NULL,

    [prodid] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    -- Order data Insert

    INSERT INTO [PMDC].[dbo].[Order_test]([orderid],[qty],[orderdt],[prodid])


    -- Sale data Insert

    INSERT INTO [PMDC].[dbo].[sale_test]([saleid],[qty],[saledt],[prodid])


    INSERT INTO [PMDC].[dbo].[sale_test]([saleid],[qty],[saledt],[prodid])



    INSERT INTO [PMDC].[dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test]([INTR_ProdID],[INTR_QuantityOnHand],[INTR_QuantityAvailable],[INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID],[INTR_TranTypeIDValue],[INTR_TranTypeQty],[INTR_TranTypeDate])

    VALUES (1,-20,-20,1,'1',20,'02/01/2011') -- Sale data


    INSERT INTO [PMDC].[dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test]([INTR_ProdID],[INTR_QuantityOnHand],[INTR_QuantityAvailable],[INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID],[INTR_TranTypeIDValue],[INTR_TranTypeQty],[INTR_TranTypeDate])

    VALUES (1,-50,-50,1,'2',30,'02/01/2011') -- Sale data

    INSERT INTO [PMDC].[dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test]([INTR_ProdID],[INTR_QuantityOnHand],[INTR_QuantityAvailable],[INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID],[INTR_TranTypeIDValue],[INTR_TranTypeQty],[INTR_TranTypeDate])

    VALUES (1,-50,20,2,'1',70,'02/01/2011') -- Order data

    INTR_prod_ID INTR_QuantityOnHand INTR_QuantityAvailable INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID INTR_TranTypeIDValue INTR_TranTypeQty INTR_TranTypeDate

    1 -20.00 -20.00 1 1 20 2011-02-01 00:00:00.000

    1 -50.00 -50.00 1 2 30 2011-03-01 00:00:00.000

    1 -50.00 20.00 1 1 70 2011-04-01 00:00:00.000

  • Well, this is a good start. It would be nice to see what you have tried so far to solve your problem. That gives us a point of reference from which to help you.

  • Not sure, but are the last three entries in your post the expected results when processing is completed? If not, need that also based on the sample data.

  • Hi

    If you can please provide what Lynn has asked for, then I am sure that will help us.


    Am I correct in thinking that rows in Order_test table are "inward" movements (eg purchases) and that Sales_test are "outward" movements?

    Is the Inventory_Trail data as provided, what you expect it to be after processing the data in Order and sales tables?

    Could you please explain what each column in Inventory_Trail represents....I am probably mistaken, but I dont think it corresponds with the data from the Order/Sales tables. Could you please confirm.

    Will you ever be considering processing data for more than one warehouse/location?

    What volume of data are you going to be loading on a regulr basis?

    Have you got primary keys on any of the tables....none in the test data

    In particular in the Sale_test table you have two rows with same sale_id/prod_id/ this correct?

    Ideally can you provide us with a little more a few different prod_id and dates.

    Well done for providing the intital code..I have very slightly altered it to use TEMP and show initial data.



    --===== conditionally drop the test table

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.Order_test','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE TempDB.dbo.Order_test

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Order_test](

    [orderid] [int] NOT NULL,

    [qty] [int] NULL,

    [orderdt] [datetime] NULL,

    [prodid] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Order_test]([orderid], [qty], [orderdt], [prodid])

    SELECT 1, 70, '20110105 00:00:00.000', 1

    select * from order_test

    --===== conditionally drop the test table

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.Sale_test','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE TempDB.dbo.Sale_test

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sale_test](

    [saleid] [int] NOT NULL,

    [qty] [int] NULL,

    [saledt] [datetime] NULL,

    [prodid] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sale_test]([saleid], [qty], [saledt], [prodid])

    SELECT 1, 20, '20110105 00:00:00.000', 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, 30, '20110105 00:00:00.000', 1

    select * from sale_test

    --===== conditionally drop the test table

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB.dbo.tbl_Inventory_Trail_test','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE TempDB.dbo.tbl_Inventory_Trail_test

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test](

    [INTR_ProdID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [INTR_QuantityOnHand] [decimal](8, 2) NOT NULL,

    [INTR_QuantityAvailable] [decimal](8, 2) NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID] [tinyint] NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranTypeIDValue] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranTypeQty] [int] NOT NULL,

    [INTR_TranTypeDate] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test]([INTR_ProdID], [INTR_QuantityOnHand], [INTR_QuantityAvailable], [INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID], [INTR_TranTypeIDValue], [INTR_TranTypeQty], [INTR_TranTypeDate])

    SELECT 1, -20.00, -20.00, 1, N'1', 20, '20110102 00:00:00.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, -50.00, -50.00, 1, N'2', 30, '20110102 00:00:00.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1, -50.00, 20.00, 2, N'1', 70, '20110102 00:00:00.000'

    SELECT * FROM tbl_Inventory_Trail_test

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Thanks guys. Currently, I do not have access to my machine right now to provide the details but I will put them soon.

    The tables I have provided are just samples which is just a snapshot of more bigger tables with other details and keys defined. They have millions of records in them.

    I created these to make it more simpler to form queries out of this.

    Will Post details soon.

  • [INTR_ProdID],-- Product ID

    [INTR_QuantityOnHand],-- Actual Quantity on Hand

    [INTR_QuantityAvailable], -- Quantity available (tracks/accounts for the ordered qty where products are not received yet)

    [INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID], -- Trantype tells if it is Order or Sale or adjustment etc..

    [INTR_TranTypeIDValue], -- Trantype ID gives the ORder ID or Sale ID etc.

    [INTR_TranTypeQty], -- actual qty for the sale or order (optional)

    [INTR_TranTypeDate] -- Transaction of sale or order

    [INTR_Add date]-- QOH trail add date

    --This was the query I was trying but this won't get the QOH when it is inserting. Is there a way to get the latest qoh and add while it is inserting.

    -- Should work for both cases of first time product entry or for existing product entry

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tbl_Inventory_Trail_test]

    ([INTR_ProdID], [INTR_QuantityOnHand], [INTR_QuantityAvailable], [INTR_TranType_Lookup_ID], [INTR_TranTypeIDValue], [INTR_TranTypeQty], [INTR_TranTypeDate])


    prodid,isnull(intr_quantityonhand,0)+qty,0,1,saleid,qty,saledt as Summary

    from sale_test as A

    left join



    row_number() over (partition by [INTR_ProdID] order by [INTR_TranTypeDate] DESC) as rownum,


    from [tbl_Inventory_Trail_test]


    on B.[INTR_ProdID] = A.prodid and B.rownum=1

    Note: As I had mentioned before, these tables are only sample which represents the orginal table that has all the keys and constraints set up already. For convinence purposes

    I created them to focus on just the logic.

    Thanks again.

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